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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskrityasya jn~a-nadaya-sindhoraga-dhasya-nagha- gun*a-h* sevyata-maks*ayo dhi-ra-h* sa s'riye ca-mr*ta-ya ca
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
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1SH : no message
dhi-ra-h* (he dhi-rapurus*a ho ) aga-dhasya (atyanta gambhi-ra bhaeka-) jn~a-nadaya-sindhoh* (jn~a-na ra daya-ka- samudrarupa bhaeka- atyantajn~a-ni- - atyantadaya-lu bhaeka-) yasya (jaska-) gun*a-h* (ks*ama- dhairya - prabhr*tigun*a jo chan so) anagha-h* (nirmala nirdos*a) [santi chan] aks*ayah* (avina-s'i- bhaeka-) sah* (ti- bhagava-n jo chan so) s'riye ca (laukikasam*pattika- nimitta ra) amr*ta-ya ca (moks*aka- nimitta pani) sevyata-m (seva- gariyu-n) Deshmukh: "Oh wise ones ! Let that eternal one be served for prosperity and immortality who, ocean of knowledge and compassion, has immaculate qualities."
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 9 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1namaska-ra salutations
(A2 / 506 NS)
1(phalo) kasa laks*mi- paratra moks*a ga-va he who desires prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 2jn~a-ni-lokana sevarapa- gvana who is served by (those) wise me
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1gvanasa a-tma-sa jn~a-na no daya- no (2) maha-samudratvam* thyam* paripu-rarapam* cvannan^a-na nipya-va jusyam* vannagva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2gunathulvah* aks*aya avina-si- jusyam* vannagva who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa laks*mi- parasa (3) moks*a ga-va who desere prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4jn~a-ni-lokana si-varapa- gvana who is served by (those) wise men
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1gonasa a-tma-sa jn~a-na nom* daya- nom* maha-samudratvam* them* paripu-rn*n*a ya-n^a (3) conan^a-na nih*ya-pa jusyam* vanam*gva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2(gun*a?)thvala amo parames'vara tatha-gatatvam* aks*aya avina-s'i- jusyam* (4) vanam*gva he, the great god Tatha-gata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa laks*mi-h* paralokasa moks*a ga-va who desire prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4jn~a-ni-loka s'akalasyam* sevarapa gvana who is served by all (those) wise men
(A1 / 550 NS)
1namaska-ra salutations
(A2 / 662 NS)
1(go)n*asa a-tma-sa jn~a-na nom* daya- nom* maha-samudrat*o thye paripurn*n*a ya-n^a conan^a-na nibya-pa jusyam* vam*nam*gva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2gun*athvala- (3) amo paramesvara tatha-gatatvam* aks*aya avina-s'i- jusyam* vam*nam*gva he, the great god Tatha-gata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa laks*mi-h* paralokasa moks*a ga-va who desire prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4jn~a-ni-loka (4) sakalasa sevarapam* gvana who is served by all (those) wise men
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1gvamham* palames'varasa a-tma-sa jn~a-na nom* daya- nom* samudra rthya pu-rn*n*a ya-n^a con^a one, in the soul of the great god, there is filled with knowledge and compassion as the sea
 2avina-s'i- jusyam* ihatraya sukha paratraya moks*a s'eva (jn~a-ni-?) it is to be known that he is immortal and gets happyness in this world and salvation in the next world
(A2 / 803 NS)
1(2) gvamha manus*yaya- a-tma-sa jn~a-na nvam* daya- nvam* maha-samudra neguli samudra juya- con^a thyam* parirarapam* con^a-va nipya-pa jusyam* vanam* one, in whose person's soul, there is resided with knowledge and compassion as two sea surrounding to the ocean, who goes pervading
 2gvamha (3) gun*athvaraya- amo parames'vara tatha-gatatvam* aks*aya avi(na-s'i) jusya vanatvam* he, the great god Tatha-gata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa laks*mi- paralokasa moks*a (who desire) prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4bhochi pan*d*italokasena (4) thva s'a-stra sehune oh punditas, learn this scripture
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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