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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritbhedākhyānāya na dvandvo naika÷eųo na saükaraū kįto'tra bhinnaliīgānāmanuktānāü kramādįte
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
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1SH : no message
atra (yasa granthamā) anukttānām (nakahiyekā) bhinnaliīgānāma (bhinnabhinna liīga bhayekā ÷abdako) bhedākhyānāya (bheda batāunākā nimitta) dvandvaū (dvandvasamāsa) na kįtaū (gariyeko chaina) eka÷eųa [api] (eka÷esa pani ) na [kįtaū] (gariyeko pani chaina) kramāt įte (krama bāheka - krama chāķera) saükaraū [api] (÷abdako jathābhābvã chyās - misa garne kāma pani) na [kįtaū](gariyeko chaina) Deshmukh: Words of different gender are not given in a cumulative compound (dvandva) or in a collective single word (e.g. for thunderbolt, kuli÷a - bhidura - pavayah is not used as the genders are different, but kuli÷am, bhiduram, pavih; also not Kha - ÷rāvanantu nabhasi, but nabhas, kham, srāvano na bhāū). As such, words are being given in an order from which gender can be easily known.
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see p. 2 for further explanation
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 8 manuscript citations that reference
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phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1thava thava nāma seyakekha vāla mataütharaīā when words are not intermixed, then one should know the names of its own gender
 2liīga kramanavu malhārasa one should know the gender in series, when it is not mentioned
 3nāma saükramana lhārasa one should know nouns as mentioned in serial
(A2 / 506 NS)
1svaütā liügavuü bhiüna bhiüna yāīa lhāye mālvana three genders should mention differently
 2bhiüna liüga dvākoyā dvaüdva (5) samāsa eka÷eųa ÷aükara samāsa of all different genders dvanda samāsa (a cumulative compound), eka÷eųa (a collective single word) and saīkara samāsa (mixed compound) have not been made
 3thvatevuü thva graüthasa dvayakā madaura; these are not made in this treatise
 4samāna liüga jukāle juko dvaüdva samāsa yāīā daukha; whenever similar genders are there then dvanda samāsa is done
 5bhāųāna taüīa jukau eka÷eųavuü yāīā (2b.1) davakha eka÷eųa is done only in the added language or explanation
 6svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū dvandva; svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū are an example of dvanda compound (made plural being all of masculine gender)
 7svasråsvasura÷ca svasurau; pitarau mātarapitarau ca tau; putrau putra÷ca duhitā ca ÷va÷urau is both ÷va÷rå (mother-in-law) and ÷va÷ura (father-in-law) pitarau is both mātā (mother) and pitā (father) putrau is both putra (son) and duhitā (daughter) (these are examples of eka÷eųa)
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1svantā liīgavo bhiüna bhinna yāīa lhāya mālvana three genders should mention differently
 2bhinna liīga dvākoyā (5) dvanda amāsa eka÷aiųa sakara (sa)māsaū of all different genders dvanda samāsa (a cummulative compound), eka÷eųa (a collective single word) and saīkara samāsa (mixed compound) have not been made
 3thvatyevu thva graünthasa dvayakā madu these are not made in this treatise
 4sāmāna liīga jukāle juko dvada samāsa yāīā doųa whenever similar genders are there then dvands samāsa is done
 5bhāųāna taīa juko (2b.1) ekaseųa yāīā doųa" Eka÷eųa is done only in the added language or explanation
 6svargga nāka tridiva tridivatridasālayā dvaüdva svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū are an example of dvanda compound (made plural at the end being all of masculine gender)
 7svasrususure÷ca svasurau; pitarau matarapitarau ca tau; putrau putra÷ca duhitā(2) ca ÷va÷urau is both ÷va÷rå (maother-in-law) and ÷va÷ura (father-in-law) pitarau is both mātā (mother) and pitā (father) putrau is both putra (son) and duhitā (daughter) (these are examples of eka÷eųa.)
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1svaütā liügavuü bhinna bhinna (4) yāīa lhāsya he mālvana; three genders required of mentioning differently
 2bhinna liüga dvākoyā dvaüdva samāsaū of ass different genders dvanda samāsa have not been made
 3thvatevuü thva granthasa dayakā madu; these are not made in this treatise
 4samāna (5) liüga jukāle juko dvaüdva samāsaū yāīā dava; whenever similar genders are there then dvanda samāsa is done
 5bhāųāõa taüīa juko eka÷eųa yāīā dava; Eka÷eųa is done only in the added language or explanation
 6svarga nākastridiva (6) trida÷ālayāū dvaüdvaū; Svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū are dvanda
 7÷va÷rå÷va÷urau ÷va÷urau; pitarau mātarapitarau ca tau; putrau putra÷ca duhitā ca ÷va÷urau is both ÷va÷rå and ÷va÷ura Pitarau is both mātā and pitā Putrau is both putra and duhitā
(A1 / 550 NS)
1(2a.1) thava thava nāma seyakekhavu vāla matathara sara when words are not intermixed, then one should knoew the names of its own gender
 2liīga kramanavu malhāra sera one should know the gender in series, when it is not mention
 3nāma kramanavu malhara sera one should know the nouns in series, when it is not mentioned
 4nāma kramana lhārasa one should know nouns as mentioned in serial
(A2 / 662 NS)
1svaütā liügavuü bhinna bhinna yāīa lhāya mālvana three genders required of mentioning differently
 2bhinna liüga dvāko dvaüdva samāsaū of all different genders dvanda samāsa have not been made
 3(3) thvatevuü thva grathasa dvayakā mado; these are not made in this treatise
 4samāna liüga jukāle juko dvaüdva sāmāsaū yāīā doųaū whenever similar genders are there then dvanda samāsa is done
 5bhāųāõa taüīa juko eka÷eųa yāīā (4) doųaū; eka÷eųa is done only in the added language or explanation
 6svargga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū dvaüdvaū svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū are dvanda
 7÷vasrå÷a÷urau; pitarau mātaramātarau; putrau putra÷ca duhitā ca ÷vav'urau is both ÷va÷rå and ÷va÷ura pitarau is both mātā and pitā putrau is both putra and duhitā
(A2 / 803 NS)
1svaütā liügavuü bhinna bhinna yāīa lhāya mālona three genders should mention differently
 2bhinna bhiīga dvākoyā dvaüdva (4) samāsa eka÷eųara samāsa of all different genders dvanda samāsa,eka÷eųa samāsa have not been made
 3thvatevuü thva graünthasa dayakā madurā these are not made in this treatise
 4sāmānya jukoyā dvaüdva samāsa yāīā davaųa whenever general genders are thre then dvanda samāsa is done
 5bhāųāna taüīa juko (5) eka÷eųara samāsa yāīā davaųa eka÷eųa is done only in the added language or explanation
 6svargga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayā dvaüdva svarga nāka tridiva trida÷ālayāū are dvanda
 7svaslu svasura÷ca svasurau; mātā ca pitā ca pitarau; (6) duhitā ca putra÷ca putrau ÷va÷urau is both ÷va÷rå and ÷va÷ura pitarau is both mātā and pitā putrau is both putra and duhitā
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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