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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritsamàhçtyànyatantràõi saükùiptaiþ pratisa§skçtaiþ sampårõamucyate vargairnàmaliïgànu÷àsanam
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
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anyatantràõi (aru ko÷aharukana) samàhçtya (ekatra garera) saükùiptaiþ (saükùepa gariyekà) pratisaüskçtaiþ (vyàkaraõànusàra ÷odhana gariekà) vargaiþ (sajàtãya vastu samåhale - vargale) saüpårõam (sabai) nàmaliïgànu÷àsanam (nàma ra liïgako ÷ikùaõa garne yo ko÷a grantha jo cha so) ucyate (kahincha - banàincha) Deshmukh: The second verse sets out the overall purpose, which is to teach the whole of the science of designation, with genders, according to a classification and after consulting other lexicons with succinctness.
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 8 manuscript citations that reference
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(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1myaüvu grantha sakalatà saükùepa yaüïagacakaü summerizing all other treatises
 2vastuyà nàma no liïga no seyukena for learning of the matter the nouns and genders
 3thva grantha lhàraüïà juroü this treatise is described
(A2 / 506 NS)
1(4) meüva meüva ÷àstrasa kàüsyaü muüïa collecting taking from other scriptures
 2varga jiyakaü arranging in the group
 3nàma no liüga no seye dvayakaü making to learn nouns and genders
 4saüpårõõa yàïa thama dvayakaü making completely by himself
 5nàmaliügànu÷àsanaþ (5) dhàyà nàma thva graütha amarasiüha paüóisana lhàyà thva this treatise called Nàmaliïgànu÷àsana, is described by Puõóita Amara÷iüha
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1myamva myamva ÷àstrasa kàsyaü muïa collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga jãyakaü arranging in the group
 3nàma no liïga no seya dvayaka making to learn nouns and genders
 4sapårõa yàïa thama ñvapaü making completely by himself
 5nàmaliïgànusàsanaü (5) dhàyà thva grantha amara÷iüïha paõóitasana lhàyà thva this treatise called Nàmaliïgànu÷àsana, is described by Puõóita Amara÷iüha
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1(6) myaüva myaüva ÷àstrasa kàsyaü muüïa collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga jãyakaü arranging in the group
 3nàma noü vargga noü seya dvayakaü making to learn nouns and groups
 4saüpårõna yàïa thama (7) dvayàkà making completely by himself
 5nàmaliïgànu÷àsana dhàyà thva granthaþ anu÷àsana j¤ànaþ amarasiüha paõóiyàsena (8) lhàyà this treatise called Nàmaliïgànu÷àsana, the knowledge of discipline, is described by Puõóita Amarasiüha
(A1 / 550 NS)
1grantha sakala saükùepa yaïagàcakaü summerizing all other treatises
 2(3) vastuyà nàma no liïga no seyakena for learning of the matter the nouns and genders
 3thva grantha lhàraïà juroü this treatise is described
(A2 / 662 NS)
1myaüva (5) myaüva ÷àstrasa kàsyaü muüïa collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga jãyakaü arranging in the group
 3nàma noü vargga noü seye dvayakaü making to learn nouns and groups
 4saüpårõõa yaüïa thama dvayakà making completely by himself
 5nàmaliügànu÷àsana dhàyà thva (6) grantheþ amarasiüha paõóiyàsana lhàyà this treatise called Nàmaliïgànu÷àsana is described by Puõóita Amarasiüha
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1meva nava grantha ÷àstrasa muïàva collecting from other nine treatieses
 2nàma noü liüga noü vyakta yàïa expressing nouns and genders
 3seya jiyakaü facilitating to learn
 4amarasiüha paõóitasyaü dayakà juro made by Puõóita Amarasiüha
(A2 / 803 NS)
1(5) myaüva myaüva ÷àstrasa pikàsyaü moïàva collecting extracting from other scriptures
 2vargga jiyakaü arranging in group
 3nàma nvaü liüga nvaü seya dayakàva making to learn nouns and genders
 4saüpårõõa yàïa thama dayakaü making completely by himself
 5nàmaliügànu÷àsa(na?) (dhàyà?) (6) nàma thva graütha amalasiüïa paõóitasena lhàyà thva this treatise called Nàmaliïgànu÷àsana is described by Puõóita Amarasiüha
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