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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> kokhabau as a complete word >> manuscript block A2.1040 with kokhabau >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskrit÷àkàkhyaü patrapuùpàdi
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1÷àka sàgapàta any esculent plant
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yo ÷àka ÷abdale kevala ÷àgalàã màtrai kahane hoina. patrapuùpàdi bhaneko hunàle pàta, phåla, prabhçtiko grahaõa huncha. "patraü puùpaü phalaü nàlaü kandaü saüsvedajaü tathà. (÷àkaü ùaóvidhamuddiùñaü guru vidyàdyathottaram) bhani patra (pàta, bethu, methã prabhçtiko) puùpa (phåla, koiràlo, vaóahara prabhçtiko) phala (pharsã, ghiraulo prabhçtiko) nàla (óà§ñha, kamala prabhçtiko) kanda (målà prabhçti) saüsvedaja (cyàu) yati 6 ÷àkakà bheda chan bhani "bhàvaprakà÷amà" bhaneko cha. patrapuùpàdi bhannàle inai 6 ko grahaõa huncha.
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 6 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1halakeü, svaükana, catakeü, àdipaü; leef-vegetable the arum Colocasia, a kind of leaf-vegetable (catakeü). etc.
 2baukeü kaunala susibo kokhabau àdipaü; flower-vegetable the Bauhinia veriegata, a kind of flower-vegetable (susibo), a kind of flower-vegetable (kokhabau), etc.
 3hàkeü léna sakai kaüdha àdipaü; root-vegetable raddish, the root of a kind of arum lily, bulb, etc.
 4saikeü bhaüñà {2} kaükvarha, phañasai àdipaü fruit-vegetable the brinjal, the gourd Momordica Charantia, the pumpkin, etc.
 5thvataiyà nàmavuü ÷àka dhàye these are also called the vegetable
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1{5} halakyaü sokana, cetakahala àdãpaü; leaf-vegetable the arum colocasia, a kinnd of leaf-vegetable (cetakahala), etc.
 2bo hova kyaü konhaóa choñabo micakiü siübo cusabo {6} chàóabo àdãpaü; vegetable blossoming the flower the Bauhinia variegata, a kind of flower-vegetable (choñabo), a kind of flower-vegetable (micakiüsiübo), a kind of flower-vegetable (cusabo), a kind of flower-vegetable (chàóabo), etc.
 3hàkyaü lçna ÷ake he kaüdha àdãpaü; root-vegetable raddish, the roof of a kind of arum lily, (sweet) potato, bulb, etc.
 4sekyaü bhaüñà poloóa kaükoóa ñose phañase àdãpaü, fruit-vegetable the brinjal, the snake-gourd, the gourd Momordica Charantia, the cucumber, the pumpkin, etc.
 5{7} thvateyà nàma these are words (for vegetable)
(A1 / 550 NS)
1thvate àdipa seye From _:
(A2 / 662 NS)
1halakyaü sokana catakyaü àdipaü; leaf-vegetable the arum colocasia, a kind of leaf-vegetable (catakyaü), etc.
 2bo hova kyaü konhaóa choñavo micakike cusibo {5} àdipaü; vegetable blossoming the flower the Bauhinia variegata, a kind of flower-vegetable (choñabo), a kind of flower-vegetable (micakike), a kind of flower-vegetable (cusibo), etc.
 3hàkyaü lçna ÷ake he kaüdha àdipaü; root-vegetable raddish, the root of a kind of arum lily, (sweet) potato, bulb, etc.
 4sekyaü bhaüóà poloóa kaükoóa ñose phañase àdipaü, fruit-vegetable the brinjal, the snake-gourd, the gourd Momordica charantia, the cucumber, the pumpkin, etc.
 5thvateyà nàmavuü {6} ÷àka dhàye these are also words for vegetable
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1halatakeü sokana àdi leaf-vegetable the arum Colocasia, etc.
 2kunhada àdi the Bauhinia variegata, etc.
 3sàka vargga vegetable vargga
(A2 / 803 NS)
1halakyaü svakanta cetaka kyaü àdipaü; leaf-vegetable the arum colocasia, a kind of leaf-vegetable (cetakakyaü), etc.
 2bo hova kyaü nalasibo àdipaü; vegetable blossoming the flower a kind of flower-vegetable (nalasibo), etc.
 3hàkyaü lçna {5} sake he kandha àdipaü; root-vegetable raddish, the root of a kind of arum lily, (sweet) polato, bulb, etc.
 4sekyaü bhaüñà poloóa kaükvaóa tose phañase àdipaü; fruit-vegetable the brinjal, the snake-gourd, the gourd Momordica Charantia, the cucumber, the pumpkin, etc.
 5thvateyà nàmavuü ÷àka dhàya these are also called words for vegetable
kanda    varga
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