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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> mathana as a complete word >> manuscript block A6.1853 with mathana >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritpàkhaõóàþ sarvaliïginaþ /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1pàkhaõóa (pàùaõóa) pàkhaõóã heretics and impostors
comment / problem
1SH : no message
vaidika màrga chàóera aneka tarahakà kalpita matamà calnelàã 'pàkhaõóã' bhandachan
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Who assume the exteriors of the four tribes and orders; but whose practice is in contradiction to the Vedas: for example (say the Commentators) the Bauddhas, etc." (p.187)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 9 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1dharma bhaõóa yaku one who does mine of religion
(A2 / 506 NS)
1loka thoü¤ena talatà dar÷ana dhararapaü jauva one who goes holding many philosophies to cheat (?) people
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1loka thvaüne arthana talatà dar÷ana dhararapaü jova From A2_1770: one who goes holding many philosophies to cheat (?) people
(A1 / 637 NS)
1dharma bhaõóa yàkva From A1_1519: one who does mine of religion
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1saóadar÷anasa {37a.1} duü madaügva not entered into the six philosophies
 2sakala dar÷ana kuñchi joüïa dar÷ana sola joraügva one who goes to see or imitate to the philosophy taking a piece of all philosophies
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1veda vihita àcàra thyaü mayàkva kùako not done or used (?) like the conduct prescribed in the Veda
(A2 / 662 NS)
1nàka thvaünena talatà dar÷ana {7} dhararapaü juva one who goes holding many philosophies to cheat (?) people
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1bauddha mathana sayà chuva one who pretends as of known with Buddhist opinion
(A2 / 803 NS)
1dar÷anasa duü mabikva one who does not enter into the philosophy
 2{88a.1} dharmma bhaõóa yàkva; one who does mime of religion
 3dharmma khaüsa duü mabikva one who does not enter into the matter of religion
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> mathana as a complete word >> manuscript block A6.1853 with mathana >> related Amarakosa reference passage
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