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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritardharca-dau ghr*ta-di-na-m* pum*stva-dyam* vaidikam* dhruvam* / tannoktamiha loke'pi taccedastyastu s'es*avat //36// //iti pum*napum*sakas'es*ah*//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x "ardharca-h* pum*si ca" bhanne su-trama- dekha-ieko gan*a pa-t*hama- ghr*ta a-di gareko kunai s'abdako 2 lin^ga (pum*. kli-.) dekhincha, tyo vedama- ma-tra prayoga garine ho. tyaso huna-le ti- ghr*ta-di s'abdako yaha-m^ ullekha gariena, [laukika lin^gako vyavastha- garna bana-ieko granthama- vaidika lin^gako prasan^ga gariena] lokama- pani ghr*ta-di s'abdako kahi-m* s'is*t*aharu-le 2 lin^gama- prayoga gareko dekhiyo bhane [s'a-stra ananta cha, maile nadekhtaima- yasai ho bhani- t*hokuva- kura- garnuhum^daina] tyo pani pachi bata-ine "jn~eyam* s'is*t*aprayogatah*" yasa vacanako anusa-ra s'uddha ho bhani- ja-nnupardacha certain other terms as ghr*tam*, etc. which are m. and n. in the Vedas, are exclusively neuter in popular speech. Other terms, employed in both genders, must be learnt from practice
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The Lexicon contains 6 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1thvate stri-lin^ga pum*lin^gah* these are feminine gender and masculine gender
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1arddhaca-disa ghr*ta-di s'abdaya- pum*napunsakatva vedikakha ardha-ca-di ghr*ta-di words are masculine and neuter in Vedic
 2{87b.1} ula pasyatana the malha-rasara lokasake those are not told in people's use
 3yadi prayoga dvahana dha-rasa s'es*avata s'as'artta jn~eya if there are uses of them that should be known according to s'es*avata
 4s'as*t*a prayoga-nusa-rana seye jurom* it is to be known as the use of learned persons
(A2 / 662 NS)
1thvate stri-lim*ga pum*lim*ga From A2_4002: these are feminine gender and masculine gender
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1arddhaca- ghr*ta-di s'abdaya- pullim*ga napum*sakatye ardharca- ghr*ta-di words are of masculine gender and neuter gender
 2lithva s'abda s'is*t*ha prayogana s'eya juro later words are to be known as the practice of learned persons
(A2 / 803 NS)
1{8} arddha-disa ghr*ta-di s'abdaya- pum*napum*saka juvakha ardha-di ghr*ta-di words becomes masculine and neuter
(A2 / 803 NS)
1tat, thve; tat, this
 2na, mado; na, not
 3uktam*, lha-ya- kham*; uktam, matter told
 4iha, {183b.1} the; iha, this
 5loke, thva loka; loka, this world
 6api, nis'caya; api, certain
 7tat, thva; tat, this
 8cet, jurasa; cet, if
 9asti, dava; asti, is
 10astu, thvajura; astu, let be
 11{2} vis'es*a, chunam* vis'es*a; vis'es*a, any specific
 12vat, uthyam* n^am*gva vat, become similar
 13thvatevum* pulim*ga napum*sakalim*ga these are masculine gender and neuter gender
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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