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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritstri-n*a-m vila-savivvokavibhrama- lalitam* tatha- //31// hela- li-letyami- ha-va-h* kriya-h* s'r*n^ga-rabha-vaja-h* /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vila-sa 6 ha-va (yuvatiharu-ka- ces*t*a- vis'es*a) dalliance or blandishment
comment / problem
1SH : no message
stri-n*a-m* s'r*n^ga-rabha-vaja-h* kriya-h* vila-sa vivvoka vibhrama-h* (tatha-) lalitam* hela- li-la- ami- ha-va-h* (stri-haru-ka- s'r*n^ga-ra rasaba-t*a paida- hune kriya- svaru-pa bhaeka- vila-sa vivvoka prabhr*ti 6 vastu ha-va kahinchan
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see pg. 59 (bha-)
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "The instance of feminine actions proceeding from love, which are stated in the text, are thus explained" (p.53)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 9 manuscript citations that reference
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(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1{2} stri-sana ja-ya-pau purus*a kham*nan^a-sa sa-m*n^a- bha-va vila-sa dha-ye; moving sentiment on seeing a man born by a woman is called vila-sa
 2purus*asa yeya- yeya- pada-rtha birasano mayeya- thyam* ana-dara ya-m*n^a- stri-ya- bha-va vivvoka dha-ye; the sentiment of a woman doing dishonour as of not liked even when the material is given what is liked by the man is called vivoka
 3purus*avo daura {3} vam*n~e coram*n^a-na a-bharanana ti-yesa dom*jakam* sa-m*n^a- bha-va vibhrama dha-ye; the sentiment of moving mistaking in putting ornaments having confused whether to go or stay when there is the lover (man) is called vibhrama
 4sukomala ya-n^a sa-m*n^a- bha-va lalita dha-ye; the sentiment of moving having tenderness is called lalita
 5purus*am*n^a lum*gvarhana ga-ya- ka-rajana garava chusyam* {4} sam*n^a- bha-va hela- dha-ye; the sentiment of moving feeling proud of the work that intended by the heart of the lover is called hela-
 6ja-ya- purus*aya- sola sa-m*n~e bha-va li-la- dha-ye the sentiment of moving with the imitation of the beloved person is called li-la-
 7thvatai a-dipam* s'ari-rana ja-yarapo no cittana ja-yarapo no stri-ya- sr*m*ga-ra bha-va dva-ko ha-vabha-va {5} dha-ye jurom* all amorous sentiment of these and others of a woman produced from the body or by the mind is called ha-vabha-va
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1bharipanisa yaya-mham* purus*a kham*nan^a-va sam*n^a- bha-va vila-sa dha-ye; the sentiment of moving on seeing a person loved by women is called vila-sa
 2{2} thava purus*asana yaya- yaya- pada-rtha birasanom* maya-po thyam* ana-dara ya-n^a sam*go bharipanisa bha-va virvvoka {3} dha-ye; the sentiment of women moved doing dishonour is if not liked even when the intended material is given by her lover is called vivoka
 3sajanasavo d*ora s*am*ne dha-ran^a-na a-bharan*ana tiyasa donakem* san^a- bha-va vibhrama dha-ye; the sentiment of moving mistaking in putting ornaments having heeling of seeing when there is the lover is called vibhrama
 4sukomala ya-n^a {4} sam*n^a- bha-va lalita- dha-ye; the sentiment of moving having tenderness is called lalita
 5thava purus*a kham*n^anam* lum*gvad*asa yaya- ka-rya garuva chulyam* sam*n^a- bha-va hela- dha-ya; the sentiment of moving feeling proud of the work intended by the heart when one's lover is seen is called hela-
 6{5} sajanasavo na-pam* la-tan^a-syam* sam*n^a- bha-va li-la- dha-ye; the sentiment of moving when the lover is met is called li-la-
 7thvate a-dina s'ari-ran*a ja-yarapo nom* cettana {6} ja-yarapo nom* bharipanisa s'r*m*ga-ra bha-va dva-koya- ha-vabha-va dha-ye the amorous sentiment of these and others of women produced from the body or by the mind is called ha-vabha-va
(A1 / 550 NS)
1thvate trisa bha-va vises*a these are sentiment of women
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1vila-sa, parasaya- ve . . . {3} sa stri-t*om*sana na-na- t*ha-na chuya vila-sa, ... curving body in different way by the women ?
 2akasma-tana ra-ga ca-ya; n^helet*om*; to feel irritation suddenly, also laughing
 3vivokah*; tha yeya- vastut*om* biram*n^a-sa garbha chusana abahelarape; vivoka, to dishonour feeling pride even when one's intended material is given
 4(sa-dhara-dha?) {4}, na-yaka ks*asa sa-m*nat*om*na bhojya; eating moving with hero ?
 5vibhrama, mada anura-ga hars*at*onna bhra-nti juva; vibhrama, being confused due to excitement, attachment and pleasure
 6nis*prayojanana vapad*an~ja; to stand suddenly without cause
 7lalita, la- lr*- mimalasam*t*om*ya- bha-va; lalita, sentiment of hands, legs and eyebrows
 8{5} hela-, surati bhin~jakam* yesana san~ja; hela, to move with great pleasure or enjoyment
 9li-la- na-yakavo sama-gama madona na-yakaya- ves'at*om* sole, li-la-, to imitate with the dress of hero, when the hero could not be met
 10iti s'abdana vichitti kilakin~jita mot*a-yita kutyamita {11b.1} viks*ata ha-va hela-; viks*epa; moks*a; mada; tapana- sam*graha (gaha-s'ca?); "Sanskrit words"
 11thvateta- s'r*m*ga-ra bha-vana ja-yarapava these are produced from amorous sentiment
 12. . . kama vila-sana li-sa li-la-t*o ha-vam*ya- prabheda {2} seye jurom* it is to be known sub-branches of ha-va after vila-sa to li-la-
(A2 / 662 NS)
1misa-pani ja-ya- purus*a kham*n^a-sa, sa-n^a- bhan^a-va vila-sa dha-ye; the sentiment of moving on seeing the lover loved by women is called vila-sa
 2{7} purus*asana yeya- yeya- para-tha birasanom* maya-pu them* ana-dara ya-n^a sam*gva stri-ya- bha-va vivvoka dha-ye, the sentiment of a woman moved showing dishonour as if not liked even when intended materials are given by the lover is called vivoka
 3purus*avo d*ora vane coran^a-va {8} a-bharan*ana ti-yasa d*onakam* sam*n^a- bha-va vibhrama dha-ye, the sentiment of moving mistaking in putting ornaments having confused whether to go or stay when there is the lover is called vibhrama
 4sukomala ya-n^a sam*n^a- bha-va lalita dha-ye the sentiment of moving having tenderness is called lalita
 5thvate a-di-pam* s'ari-ran*a {9} ja-yarapu nom* citran*a ja-yarapu no stri-ya- sr*n^ga-ra bha-va dva-ko ha-vabha-va dha-ye all amorous sentiment of these and others of a woman produced from the body or by the mind is called ha-vabha-va
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1stri-ya- mikha- bha-va sentiment of eye of female
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1vibhrama ya-n^a san^a- moving with hurry
(A2 / 803 NS)
1kavutakan*a-m* vila-s'a, thama yaya- {4} purukha khanan^a-sa sam*n^a- bha-va vila-sa, the sentiment of moving on seeing one's beloved lover
 2vivoka, yaya- the mayaya- thyam* purus*an*a biya- pada-rtha ka-yasa sam*n^a- {5} bha-va vivoka, the sentiment of moving to take the material given by her lover as if she does like or dislike
 3vibhrama, ja-ravo do(ra?) vam*nese conan^a-na a-bharan*a tiyasa donakam* sam*n^a- bha-va vibhrama, the sentiment of moving in putting ornaments having confused whether to go or stay when there is the lover
 4lalita, rasakara bha-va; lalita, the sentiment of pleasure
 5{6} bohod*asa mano dicakam* masoya- thyam* n^am*nakam* soya- n^u dha-va, seeing as if not seen keeping the chin on the shoulder is also called
 6hela-, lum*gvad*a ga-ya- ka-rjana maga-ya- bha-va; hela-, the sentiment of not satisfied with the work intended by the heart
 7li-la-, sajanasavo na-pam* la-tan^a-syam* sam*n^a- bha-va s'r*m*ga-ra bha-va; li-la-, the sentiment of moving while meeting with the lover
 8hela- vichitya virvvokah* kilikin~cita vibhrama-h* {29a.1} li-la- vila-so ha-vas'ca viks*e vikr*tirmmadah* na-garasya pa-t*ha-ntaram*; "Sanskrit words"
 9vichitya, thava purus*an^a myam*va mis'a-va {2} jova seya-va lva-n^a- bha-va; vichitya, the sentiment of quarrelling on knowing one's husband went with other woman
 10kilikin~cita s'r*n^ga-masa khachinam* {3} khoya- kham*chinam* n^hela- khachinam* ra-gr*ca-ya-, kham*chinam* bimati lha-ya- bha-va;am*; kilikin~cita, the sentiment in love that sometime weeping, sometime laughing, sometime irritating and sometime speaking with entreaty
 11stri-purus*a binuyana kad*akaca {4} khoya-, lum*gvad*a mhosya* ken^a- kham*chinam* n^hela-va purus*a khva-la soya- bha-va; the sentiment of weeping with quarrelling the wife and husband seeing face of husband, showing the heart tearing and sometime laughing
 12viks*epa, misa- ati prod*ha- {5} julan^a-va yakva kataka datasanom* me ha-la- thyam* ha-kva lr* la- kham*jakam* sam*gva, se phesyam* sam*n^a- bha-va; viks*epa, talking by a very aged woman as singing song even when there are many other people, moving showing hands and legs, the sentiment of moving unfastening of hairs
 13vikr*ti; thama {6} yaya- purus*aya- vastu, serasanom* maseya- thyem* n^anakam* ka-syam* taya- bha-va;va-la soya- bha-va viks*epa; vikr*ti, the sentiment of keeping taking pretending as if not known even when one's beloved lover's material is known
 14mada, ca-kakam* n^hela-, kham* lha-ya- {7} mikha- s'ri-s'ri-na kam*n^a-va ghasapun^a-va purus*a cum*barapa-ya- bha-va; mada, the sentiment of kissing the husband smiling sweetly ? speaking matter, lifting eyes as intoxicated ? and embracing
 15mos*ayitam*, {29b.1} thama ya- purus*aya-tam*, kham* lha-lan^a-sa roma-n~ca ya-n^a sam*n^a- bha-va; mos*ayita, the sentiment of moving with horripilation when talked with one's beloved lover
 16kut*t*amit*a, s'r*m*ga-rasa purus*an*a casam* ka-lan^a-sa {2} dudu ka-ran^a-sa sanakhalyam* duh*kha seherape mapha-t*agare ga-tasa- kham*chi tvad*ata n^une dhakam* sam*n^a- bha-va; kut*t*amit*a, the sentiment of moving to take rest for sometime having sastisfied when unabling to bear the pain when the lover pull out the hair or takes breast in amourous play
 17{3} sukhabha-va, s'r*ga-rasa a-bharan*a thva ratna suna-na haya- ge haya- dha-sya sam*n^a- bha-va; sukhabha-va, the sentiment of moving in amourous play asking who brought this ornament jewel and how it is brought
 18tapana, yaya- purus*an*a {4} thana (ca-?) vaya dhakam* ha-cakra haya-va a-bharana a-dina tiya-va bya-ri a-dina basapam* sa-n^a tapana, moving staying on "bya-si?" putting ornaments etc. due to calling that the beloved lover will come today night
 19ja-laya-tvam* mavalan^a-va {5} a-bharan*a a-din*a tvadata-va sam*sa-rasa je upra abha-gi madu donoyo dhakam* sam*n^a- bha-va the sentiment of moving saying that I made mistake, I am deprived, nobody is there for me in this world, taking out ornaments etc. when the lover does not come
 20thvate a-dipam* {6} s'ari-ran*a ja-yarapu nom* cittana ja-yarapu nom* stri-ya s'r*m*ga-ra bha-va dva-kva ha-vabha-va dha-ya all amorous sentiment of these and others of a woman produced from the body or by the mind is called ha-vabha-va
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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