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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritpu�si kl�be ca k�kola k�lak��a hal�hal�� / saur��trika� �auklikeyo brahmaputra� prad�pana� //10// d�rado vatsan�bha�ca vi�abhed� am� nava /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1k�kola 9 vi�a vi�e�ak� p�thak p�thak n�ma 9 sorts of fixed poison
3hal�hala (h�lahala h�l�hala)
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note "Severally named in the text; some mineral, others vegetable (p. 58)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 9 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1thute gu v��ay� j�ti bheda these are nine sorts of poison
(A2 / 506 NS)
1thvate vi�ay� vi�e�a these are sorts of poison
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1{12} k�kola h�ku; k�kola "black"
 2vara�gata the� �a�gva si�y� rasa; (k�lak��a) the sap of a tree as of pipal
 3h�ku h�y� dudu thya�; (hal�hala) like the milk of black root
 4pralaya k�lay�; (saur���rika) of the time of annihilation
 5toyu vi�a (�auklikeya) white poison
 6�iyu bho�jini vani; (brahmaputra) grey fly; coloured
 7hy��u; (prad�pana) red
 8darada de�asa dava; (d�rada) having in the Darada country
 9hala bosi�gh��ey� thya� (vatsan�bha) like the leaf of a medicinal plant bosi�gh��e
 10yasay� gut� thvate vi�ay� vi�e�a gut� n�ma nine types of poison; these are words for nine sorts of poison.
(A1 / 550 NS)
1thvate �e vi�ay� j�ti bheda vi�ay� n�ma these are words of drinking poisons
(A1 / 637 NS)
1thute 9 vi�ay� j�ti bheda From A1_406: these are nine sorts of poison
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1k�(kola?) {4}. . .; k�kola...
 2k�laku�a, p�thum�l� asuray� h�na j�yarapava vara�gata thya��a�gu si�y� rasa; ahichatrake malayaparvvatake . . .; k�lak��a: the sap of a tree as of pipal produced from the blood of the demon p�thum�l�...
 3{5} (hal�hal�?), t�lapatra si�y� thya� �a�gva hako, (hal�hal�?): black as of the wood of palmleaf
 4s�y� dudu thya�gva se syevu himavanta kiskandh� kokanasa dvavu; (�auklikeya?): bearing fruit as the milk of a cow having at kokana in ki�kindh� of Himavanta
 5s�ro��ika, s��y� rasa vi . . . c� {12b.1} c�bho�; saur���rika: the sap of a tree...
 6brahmaputra; s�yobho� j�ti malayaparvvatasa dava; brahmaputra: a kind of grey plant having in the Malayaparvata
 7prad�pana; hya��o jv�ro chauva a�janaparvvata dava; d�rada, darada de�a {2} . . . suprabhava; prad�pana: red... having in the a�janaparvata
 8vatsan�bha bosi�kharhi thya� �a�gva hala mo��o�sa tya�phu��o� thya��a�gva bevana memvu si��o� thya� mab��harapava juro� {3} (vaseye?) juro� vatsn�bha: leaf as of the pipal, reached from the head to naval, not increased as due to...
(A2 / 662 NS)
1thvate vi�ay� n�ma gut� vise�a From A1_406: these are nine sorts of poison
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1(k�kola), h�kva vi�a, (k�kola): black poison
 2(k�lak��a), va�co vi�a; (k�lak��a): blue poison
 3(hal�h�l��); toyu vi�a; (hal�hala): white poison
 4(s�ro��rika�), vala�gata vani; (saur���rika) pipal colour
 5(�aulkikeyo), siyu; (�aulkikiya): grey
 6{2} (brahmaputtra�), h�kva vi�a; (brahmaputra): black poison
 7(prad�pana�), eyu; (prad�pana): yellow
 8(d�rado), hy��u; d�rada): red
 9(vavatsan�bha�) harit�ra vani, (vatsan�bha): orpiment colour
 10thva gut� vi�abheda these nine are kinds of poison
(A2 / 803 NS)
1vi�ay� bhedata� gut� sorts of poison are nine
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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