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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskrityasya j¤ànadayàsindhoragàdhasyànaghà guõàþ sevyatàmakùayo dhãràþ sa ÷riye càmçtàya ca
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
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dhãràþ (he dhãrapuruùa ho ) agàdhasya (atyanta gambhãra bhaekà) j¤ànadayàsindhoþ (j¤àna ra dayàkà samudrarupa bhaekà atyantaj¤ànã - atyantadayàlu bhaekà) yasya (jaskà) guõàþ (kùamà dhairya - prabhçtiguõa jo chan so) anaghàþ (nirmala nirdoùa) [santi chan] akùayaþ (avinà÷ã bhaekà) saþ (tã bhagavàn jo chan so) ÷riye ca (laukikasaüpattikà nimitta ra) amçtàya ca (mokùakà nimitta pani) sevyatàm (sevà gariyån) Deshmukh: "Oh wise ones ! Let that eternal one be served for prosperity and immortality who, ocean of knowledge and compassion, has immaculate qualities."
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 9 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1namaskàra salutations
(A2 / 506 NS)
1(phalo) kasa lakùmã paratra mokùa gàva he who desires prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 2j¤ànãlokana sevarapà gvana who is served by (those) wise me
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1gvanasa àtmàsa j¤àna no dayà no (2) mahàsamudratvaü thyaü paripårarapaü cvannaïàna nipyàva jusyaü vannagva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2gunathulvaþ akùaya avinàsã jusyaü vannagva who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa lakùmã parasa (3) mokùa gàva who desere prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4j¤ànãlokana sãvarapà gvana who is served by (those) wise men
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1gonasa àtmàsa j¤àna noü dayà noü mahàsamudratvaü theü paripårõõa yàïa (3) conaïàna niþyàpa jusyaü vanaügva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2(guõa?)thvala amo parame÷vara tathàgatatvaü akùaya avinà÷ã jusyaü (4) vanaügva he, the great god Tathàgata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa lakùmãþ paralokasa mokùa gàva who desire prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4j¤ànãloka ÷akalasyaü sevarapa gvana who is served by all (those) wise men
(A1 / 550 NS)
1namaskàra salutations
(A2 / 662 NS)
1(go)õasa àtmàsa j¤àna noü dayà noü mahàsamudraño thye paripurõõa yàïa conaïàna nibyàpa jusyaü vaünaügva one, in whose soul, there is like an ocean resided filling with knowledge and compassion, who goes pervading
 2guõathvalà (3) amo paramesvara tathàgatatvaü akùaya avinà÷ã jusyaü vaünaügva he, the great god Tathàgata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa lakùmãþ paralokasa mokùa gàva who desire prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4j¤ànãloka (4) sakalasa sevarapaü gvana who is served by all (those) wise men
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1gvamhaü palame÷varasa àtmàsa j¤àna noü dayà noü samudra rthya pårõõa yàïa coïa one, in the soul of the great god, there is filled with knowledge and compassion as the sea
 2avinà÷ã jusyaü ihatraya sukha paratraya mokùa ÷eva (j¤ànã?) it is to be known that he is immortal and gets happyness in this world and salvation in the next world
(A2 / 803 NS)
1(2) gvamha manuùyayà àtmàsa j¤àna nvaü dayà nvaü mahàsamudra neguli samudra juyà coïa thyaü parirarapaü coïàva nipyàpa jusyaü vanaü one, in whose person's soul, there is resided with knowledge and compassion as two sea surrounding to the ocean, who goes pervading
 2gvamha (3) guõathvarayà amo parame÷vara tathàgatatvaü akùaya avi(nà÷i) jusya vanatvaü he, the great god Tathàgata, who has quality of immortality and imperishability
 3ihalokasa lakùmã paralokasa mokùa (who desire) prosperity in this world and salvation in the next world
 4bhochi paõóitalokasena (4) thva ÷àstra sehune oh punditas, learn this scripture
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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