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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritsaüdhirnà vigraho yànamàsanaü dvaidhamà÷rayaþ //18// ùaóguõàþ
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1sandhi sandhi - àdi 6 guõa six expedients of defence
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1SH : no message
àphåbhandà baliyo athavà barobara bhaekà ÷atrulàã, kehã diera, milàã ràkhnàlàã "sandhi" bhandachan. yo sandhikà dherai bheda chan nãti÷àstra hera. ÷atruko de÷amà àgo làãdinå luñnå ityàdi upadravalàã "vigraha", phauja liã, ÷atrulàã thàhà diã athavà tyasai caóhàã garnàlàã "yàna", ÷atru balavàn cha bhanñhànera phauja, killà, tayàra garã pari àeko garnu parlà bhanne hisàbale bàño hernàlàã "àsana", balavànko maddata màgera, avasara paremà sidhyàu§là aile maile garauü bhanne vicàra gari ÷atrusa§ga mile jhaiü garnàlàã "dvaidha", ÷atrule sàhrai duþkha diüdà balavàn arko ràjàko ÷araõa linàlàã "à÷raya", ã 6 karmalàã "ùaóguõa" bhandachan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: Severally mentioned. Viz. Pacification war. A progress or a march. A halt or the maintainaing of a post. A double resource or a stratagem." (p.195)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 10 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1sandhi, thethai jaca; sandhi, to be friend each other
 2vigraha, {5} lo ñhaya; vigraha, to make quarrel
 3àsanaü dvedhamà÷ràyaþ, phasana co¤ja; àsana (dvaidha, à÷raya), to remain enduring ?
 4yàna, cela coüja; yàna, to remain a servant
 5saü÷raya, ÷atruyàke kolàca; saü÷raya, to be mild with an enemy
 6dvedhãvabhàva, khaüna dvasana taya, dvaidhàbhàva, to keep blaming with talk
 7thute ùaóaguõa these are six expedients of defence
(A2 / 506 NS)
1saüdhi vigraha yàna àsana dvedhãbhàva à÷raya "Sanskrit words"
 2thvate ràjanãtisa ùàóguõa dhàye these are called ùaóguõa (six expedients) in politics
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1saüdhi vigraha yàna àsana, dvedhãbhàva, à÷raya, "Sanskrit words"
 2thvate tà ràjanãtisa ùañguõa {2} dhàye these types are called ùaóguõa (six expedients) in politics
(A1 / 550 NS)
1saüdhi, thithivu avinà bhàva; sandhi, sentiment of acting (abhinaya) ? or not destructive (avinà÷ã) ? each other
 2vigraha, saügràma; vigraha, struggle
 3àsana, phasana coüja; àsana, to remain enduring ?
 4yàna, bila vaüju; yàna going to give ?
 5saü÷raya, ÷atruyà(ke) {2} kolakva; saü÷raya, being mild with an enemy
 6(dvedhãbhàva) khanna duseü tayà, dvaidhãbhàva, keeping blaming with talk
 7thvate ùañaguõa these are six expedients of defence
(A1 / 637 NS)
1sandhi, prasiddha; sandhi, famous
 2vigraha, lo ñhe; vigraha, to make quarrel
 3àsana óveùamà÷ràyaþ, phasyaü {5} cogva; àsana (dvaidha, a÷raya), remained enduring ?
 4yàna, celana cogva; yàna, remained a servent
 5sa÷raya, ÷atruyàke kolàkva; saü÷raya, being mild with an enemy
 6dvedhãbhàva, khaüna {6} duüsarapu, dvaidhãbhàva, blaming with talk
 7thute ùaóaguõa these are six expedients of defence
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1naseü ÷atru dvàlyaü chãvo saüdhi yaüïa chãyàke ïhañàcañoü to defend with one doing treaty with one when there are two enemies
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1thamayàsyeü balavanta ÷atruyàke kolàca to be mild with the enemy powerful than himself
 2thute ùa(dguõa) these are six expedients of defence
(A2 / 662 NS)
1saüdhi vigraha yàna {6} à÷ana ddhedhãbhàva à÷raya "Sanskrit words"
 2thvate ràjanãtisa ùañguõa dhàye these are called six expedients of defence in politics
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1thvate ùadguõa dhàya these are called six expendients of defence
(A2 / 803 NS)
1saüdhi, thethe jàyà; sandhi, making friendship each other
 2nà vigçho, lo lvàya, majàya; vigraha, to make quarrel, not to be friend
 3etàþ prakçtayastaj¤aiþ dhvajigãùorudàhçtaþ, {92a.1}, prakçti dhàya; etàþ prakçtayas ..., it is called constituent elements of the state
 4yànaü, kataka ïhyàcakaü yaüïà; yàna, taking proceeding army
 5à÷anaü, thavake lakùarapaü coïà; àsana, remained protected with oneself
 6dvaidhaü, ÷atru dvàle chamhaüvo {2} saüdhi yàïà chamhaüvo ïatà dhàyà; dvaidha, it is called defending one and making treaty with one when there are (two) enemies
 7à÷rayaþ, thama càsyaü balavanta ÷atruyàke kolàyà; à÷raya, being mild with an enemy powerfull than being one's strength
 8phesyaü coïà dhàva; remained enduring is also called
 9saüdhiü {3} vigrahaõa taüïa thvate ùadguõa these are six expedients of defence adding negotiation and struggle
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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