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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritpus*pe ja-tiprabhr*tayah* svalin^ga- vri-hayah* phale //19//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1ja-ti- ja-iko phu-la Hedysarum Gangeticum
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1SH : no message
ja-ti-, ma-lati- a-di gareka- s'abdale phu-lala-i- kahe pani napum*sakalin^ga hum^daina, vr*ks*ava-caka cham^da- jo lin^ga cha so lin^ga huncha. jastai - ja-ti- [ja-iko phu-la] ma-lati- [2 cameli-ko phu-la] yaha-m^ stri-lin^ga bhayo phu-lala-i- kaham^da- napum*sakalin^ga bhaena. dha-nyava-caka s'abdale dha-nyaphalala-i- kaham^da- pani dha-nyava-caka cham^da- juna lin^ga hunthyo, sohi- lin^ga huncha, jastai - ma-s*a [ma-sako phala] mudga [mugi-ko phala] yaha-m^ pum*lin^ga bhayo.
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 6 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1ji-risva-na a-dipam*ya- sim*ya- na-mavo sva-naya- na-mavo u jurom* lim*ga jurvam*, the tree and flower of the jasmine etc. becomes similar
 2ja-ti- ma-lati- navama-lika- a-dipam* stri-lim*gah* ja-ti-, ma-lati-, navama-lika- etc. are feminine
 3{4} kundam* napum*sakalim*ga kundam* is neuter gender
 4campoko hemapus*pakah* campakah*, hemapus*pakah* (is masculine gender)
 5sim*ya- cho lim*ga juram* sva-naya-vu o juyu what is the gender of a tree that becomes also of a flower
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1ji-risva-na a-di-pam*ya- sim*ya- na-mavo sva-naya- {4} na-mavo u lim*ga jurom* the tree and fower of the jasmine etc. becomes similar
 2ja-ti-ma-lika- ma-lati- navama-lika- a-di-pam* stri-lim*gah* ja-ti-, ma-lati-, vanama-lika- etc. are feminine
 3kundam* napum*sakalim*gah* kundam* is neuter gender
 4{5} cam*pako hemapus*pakah* cam*pasva-na campakah*, hemapus*pakah* (is masculine gender)
 5sim*ya- cho lim*ga juram* sva-naya- n^a o lim*gah* what is the gender of a tree that becomes also of a flower
(A1 / 550 NS)
1sva-na a-dipam* bri-hiya- no thavathava lin^ga juro flower etc. and also of the grain becomes gender of its own
(A2 / 662 NS)
1{9} jirisva-na a-dipam*ya- sim*ya- na-mavo sva-naya- na-mavo u lim*ga jurom*, the tree and flower of the jasmine etc. becomes similar
 2ja-ti-ma-lika- ma-lati- navamalika- {33a.1} a-dipam* stri-lim*gah*, ja-ti-, ma-lati-, navama-lika- etc. are feminine
 3kundam* napum*sakalim*gah* kundam* is neuter gender
 4campako hemapus*pakah* campakah*, hemapus*pakah* (is masculine gender)
 5sim*ya- chu lim*ga juram* sva-naya-vum* o lim*gah* what is the gender of a tree that becomes also of a flower
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1ja-ti ma-lati- vanama-lika- a-dina stri- ja-ti-, ma-lati-, vanama-lika- etc. are feminine
 2kum*da napum*saka kundam* is neuter
 3campaka hema pulim*ga campakah*, heman are masculine gender
(A2 / 803 NS)
1jilisva-na a-dipam*ya- {46b.1} sim*ya na-mavo sva-naya- na-mavo u lim*n^a jurom* the tree and flower of the jasmine etc. becomes similar
 2ja-ti- ma-lati- navama-lika- a-dipam* stri-lim*ga ja-ti-, ma-lati-,navama-lika- etc. are feminine
 3kundam* napum*sakalim*ga Kundam* is neuter gender
 4{2} cam*pako hemapus*pakah* Campakah*, hemapus*pakah* (is masculine gender)
 5sim*ya- cho lim*ga juram* sva-naya- n^a o lim*ga juram* what is the gender of a tree that becomes also of a flower
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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