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manuscript block containing search term dhàva
manuscript . block number : A7.1844 -- folio . line : 84b.7 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit yo gàrhapatyàdànãyaü dakùinàgniþ pranãyate tasminnànàryotha
phrase Newari English
1yebinaü cogva me, fire remained in the southern side
2gàrhapatyasa me cyàïàva pràyàgni {85a.1} ànàryya dhàya; fire taken lighting from the house-holder's fire is called ànàyya
3dakùiõàgniü dhàva it is also said Dakùinàgni
comment / problem
1SA : no message
pràyaþ "going away, departure" . From this ME pràyàgni "fire taken" is taken in translatio n.
(from compilation)
2SA : no message
bhaññàr aka (-rikà, f.), "venerable , worshipful ; a god, deity; and epithet applied to great and learned men".
(from compilation)
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Sanskrityo gàrhapatyàdànãya dakùiõàgniþ praõãyate / tasminnànàyyaþ
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1ànàyya ànàyya agni sort of sacred fire
comment / problem
1SH : no message
gàrhapatya agni lyàera saüskàra garepachi tyasailàã "ànàyya" bhandachan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "The southern fire, taken from the householder's hearth, and consecrated." (p.180)
(from compilation)
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