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manuscript block containing search term manana
manuscript . block number : A3.361 -- folio . line : 21b.3 -- tradition : A1 -- 550 NS -- 1430 AD
Sanskrit nirvįtteīga satvābhyāü dve triųvāīgika sātvike
phrase Newari English
1abhinaya nona dhāyā {4} lāna vyakta yāīāyā nāma word for gesticulation expressed by speaking and hand
comment / problem
1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
no comment
(from compilation)
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Sanskritnirvįtte tvaīgasattvābhyāü dve triųvāīgika
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1āīgika bhāvahāva helā two sort of tokens
comment / problem
1SH : no message
aīgasattvābhyāü (÷ārãra ra antaūkaraõabāņa) nirvįtte (paidā bhaekā) dve (duã karma jo chan so) āīgika sāttvike (āīgika ra sāttivaka kahinchan)
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see pg. 53. (thā)
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "First corpreal, as an assumed posture; second sincere, as a blush or change of colour. Besides other sorts; by speech, ctc." (p.49)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A3.361 Show image of A3.21b