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manuscript block containing search term mathvalo
manuscript . block number : A2.1417 -- folio . line : 64b.1 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit vārttā nirāmayaþ kalya ullāgho {2} nirgato gadāt
phrase Newari English
1royana tvarhataü tā kept leaving from disease
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Sanskritvārto nirāmayaþ kalya ullāgho nirgato gadāt //57//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vārta birāmãbāņa utrane recovered from sickness
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
ullāgha "Some restrict the last term to convalescent or recently well from disease". (p.152)
(from compilation)
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