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manuscript block containing search term n^hava
manuscript . block number : A7.3884 -- folio . line : 184b.1 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit (s*as*t*hyantapra-kpada-h* ... dik)
phrase Newari English
1s*as*t*hyanta pra-k, s*as*t*hi- anta n^hava thvalva s*as*t*hyanta pra-k, possessed earlier the 6th case ending
2thvatevum* stri-lim*ga napum*sakalim*ga; these are also feminine and neuter gender
3{2} kada-h*, thva vera; kada-h*, this time
4sena-, pa-yaka; sena-, slodier
5cha-ya-, kepa-; cha-ya-, shadow
6s'a-la-, chyam*; s'a-la-, house
7su-ra-, deva, thvam*; sura-, god, liquor
8{3} nis'a-, ra-tri; nis'a-, night
9sya-dva- nr*, manus*ya; sya-dva- nr*, a man
10sana, saya-na sana, learned ?
11s'vanis'am* gos'a-lamitare ca dik "Sanskrit words"
12sya-t, juram*; sya-t, became
13{4} va-, neta-; va-, two types
14nr*s'e, jhut*ha; nr*s'e, false
15nah*, mado; nah*, not
16ca, pa-dapu-ran*a; ca, completing a line of stanza
17nis'am*, nhitakam*; nis'am*, daily
18{5} go, sa-; go, cow
19s'a-la, chya; s'a-la, house
20gos'a-la, sa-gala; gos'a-la, cowpen
21itare ca, thva; itare ca, this
22dik, dis'a-; dik, direction
23sena-ni-tya-dih*, {6} thvateya- uda-haran*a nr*sena-dih* sena-ni-tya-dih*, examples of these are nr*sena- etc.
24itaran~ca dik dha-ya- myam*vavum* seya itaran~ca dik is also known other
comment / problem
1CO : no message
SP is not given
(from compilation)
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Sanskrits*as*t*hyantapra-kpada-h* sena-cha-ya-s'a-la-sura-nis'a-h* / sya-dva- nr*senam* s'vanis'am* gos'a-lamitare ca dik //40//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x pu-rvatira kunai s*as*t*hyanta pada ra-khera paratira sena-, cha-ya-, s'a-la-, sura-, nis'a- i- 5 s'abda ra-khera tatpurus*a sama-sa garema- samasta pada kli-balin^gama- pani stri-lin^gama- pani rahanchan compounds in sena-, etc.
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 311 expl. and fn.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "With a term in the sixth case. As nr*senam*, an army of men. s'vanis'am*, a night during which dogs bark and howl. gos'a-lam*, a cowpen." (p.400)
(from compilation)
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