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manuscript block containing search term ni÷caya
manuscript . block number : A2b.3836 -- folio . line : 113a.6 -- tradition : A2 -- n.d. NS -- n.d. AD
Sanskrit dhruvo bhabhede {7} klãbe tu ni÷cite ÷à÷vate triùu - dhruvaþ
phrase Newari English hom no
1dhruvamaõóala dhàyà nagati star called DhruvaMaõóala
2ni÷caya certainty
3thira stable
4agastya {8} çùitvaü the sage Agastya
comment / problem
1CO : no message
NP "agastya çùitvaü " meaning is deviation
(from compilation)
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Sanskritdhruvo bhabhede klãbaü tu ni÷cite ÷à÷vate triùu /
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1dhruva, m bhabheda dhruvatàrà the polar star
2dhruva, n ni÷cita ni÷cita cartainty
3dhruva, mfn ÷à÷vata ÷à÷vata, hame÷à rahane, avinà÷ã perpetual, constant
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Also m. 4. a stake, 5. an axe, or pole, 6. ÷iva, f. dhruvà - 7. burden of a song, 8. a ladle or spoon, n. 9. reasoning, mfn. 10 immovable". (p.361)
(from compilation)
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