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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> utha-nasa as a complete word >> manuscript block with utha-nasa
manuscript block containing search term utha-nasa
manuscript . block number : A3a.1203 -- folio . line : 42b.8 -- tradition : A1 -- 637 NS -- 1517 AD
Sanskrit vr*rddhih*
phrase Newari English
1ba-dharapo, increased
2thute trivarga these are threefold object
comment / problem
1MS : manuscript shorter than Sharma
no comment
(from compilation)
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Sanskritks*ayah* stha-nam* ca vr*ddhis'ca trivargo ni-tivedina-m //19//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1trivarga ni-ti s'a-strako trivarga (ks*aya, stha-na, vr*ddhi) threefold object
comment / problem
1SH : no message
kheti, vya-pa-ra, killa-, pu-la, ha-thi- kha-ni-, palt*an, pota-, i- 8 ghat*ta- "ks*aya", tha-mim*da- "stha-na", bad*hda- "vr*ddhi" huncha, inai 3 "trivarga" hun.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Loss, evenness and gain: or disappointment, continuance of the same state, and success: or else expenditure, equality and profit". (p.196)
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> utha-nasa as a complete word >> manuscript block with utha-nasa
Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font No image for A3a.42b