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manuscript block containing search term das'a
manuscript . block number : A2.2370 -- folio . line : 101b.1 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit {101b.1} sam*khyeye hya-das'a tris*u
phrase Newari English
1n^iye pada-rthaya- das'a s'abdatovum* va-cyalim*ga adjectival upto the word das'a of the matter to be counted
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1MS : manuscript shorter than Sharma
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(from compilation)
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Sanskritsam*khya-h* sam*khyeye hya-das'a tris*u /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1sam*khyeya eka, dui- prabhr*ti at*ha-rasammaka- san^khya-va-caka s'abda, san^khyeya (san^khya-le yukta bhaeko vastu)la-i- pani kahanchan numerals
comment / problem
1SH : no message
san^khyeyala-i- kaham^da- vis'es*yanighnalin^gi- hunchan. jastai - ekah* pat*ah* (yaut*a- vastra) eka- s'a-t*i- (yaut*a- phariya-) ekam* ru-pyakam (yaut*a- rupiya-m^) yaha-m^ ekas'abda, kramaile pat*a, s'a-t*i-, ru-pyaka, i- sam*khyeya (ganine)la-i- kaham^da- vis'es'yava-caka ti- 3 s'abda bamojima, pum*. li., stri-. li., na. li. bhayo. yastai ri-tale 2/3 a-di at*ha-rasammala-i- kahane dvi, tri, a-di gareka- as*t*a-das'a navadas'a s'abdasammaka- s'abda, san^khyeyava-caka s'abda juna lin^gako cha tehi- lin^gama- rahanchan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: tris*u "Numerals, from 1 to 18, agree in gender with the subject numbered". (p.241)
(from compilation)
3CO : no message
Skt. pra-tipadika is supplied by GS.
(from compilation)
4SE : repetition of part of another (usually, the previous) block
no comment
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A2.2370 Show image of A2.101b