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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> iks*urasodah* as a complete word >> manuscript block with iks*urasodah*
manuscript block containing search term iks*urasodah*
manuscript . block number : A5.514 -- folio . line : 22a.7 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit tasya prebheda-h* ks*irodo lavan*odastatha-pare
phrase Newari English
1sapta samudraya- vis'es*an*a- dva-tam* thvate ks*irodah* {8} lavan*odah* iks*urasodah* ghr*todah* dadhyudah* madhudah* surodah* these are words for seven sea ks*i-roda, lavan*oda, iks*urasoda, dadhyuda, madhuda, suroda, ghr*toda
2thvate sapta sa-gara dha-ye these are called saptasa-gara
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Sanskrittasya prabheda-h* ks*i-rodo lavan*odastatha-'pare //2//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1ks*i-roda ks*i-roda lavan*oda ra aru 2 particular seas
comment / problem
1SH : no message
ks*i-rodah* lavan*odah* tatha- apare tasya prabheda-h* (iks*urasoda, suroda, dadhiman*d*oda, sva-du-da, ghr*toda s'uddhoda pani samudraka- bheda hun)ks*i-roda (ks*i-ra samudrako na-ma) lavan*oda (ks*a-roda) (ks*a-ra samudrako na-ma) iksurasoda (ukhuka- rasaka- samudrako na-ma) suroda (madya samudrako na-ma) dadhiman*d*oda (dadhi samudrako na-ma) sva-du-da (mi-t*ha- samudrako na-ma) ghr*toda (ghr*ta samudrako na-ma) s'uddhoda (s'uddha jalasamudrako na-ma)
(from compilation)
2CO : no message
HC; note: "That of milk, and of salt water; besides five others, as the sea of fresh water, spirituous liquor, butter, curds and the juice of sugar-cane; apparently designations of gulfs or divisions of the ocean" (p. 60)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A5.514 Show image of A5.22a