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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thithivu as a complete word >> manuscript block with thithivu
manuscript block containing search term thithivu
manuscript . block number : A3.1592 -- folio . line : 68b.1 -- tradition : A1 -- 550 NS -- 1430 AD
Sanskrit {68b.1} (sam*dhirna- ... s*ad*gun*a-h*)
phrase Newari English
1sam*dhi, thithivu avina- bha-va; sandhi, sentiment of acting (abhinaya) ? or not destructive (avina-s'i-) ? each other
2vigraha, sam*gra-ma; vigraha, struggle
3a-sana, phasana com*ja; a-sana, to remain enduring ?
4ya-na, bila vam*ju; ya-na going to give ?
5sam*s'raya, s'atruya-(ke) {2} kolakva; sam*s'raya, being mild with an enemy
6(dvedhi-bha-va) khanna dusem* taya-, dvaidhi-bha-va, keeping blaming with talk
7thvate s*at*agun*a these are six expedients of defence
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1BD : beginning of block damaged
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(from compilation)
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Sanskritsam*dhirna- vigraho ya-nama-sanam* dvaidhama-s'rayah* //18// s*ad*gun*a-h*
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1sandhi sandhi - a-di 6 gun*a six expedients of defence
comment / problem
1SH : no message
a-phu-bhanda- baliyo athava- barobara bhaeka- s'atrula-i-, kehi- diera, mila-i- ra-khna-la-i- "sandhi" bhandachan. yo sandhika- dherai bheda chan ni-tis'a-stra hera. s'atruko des'ama- a-go la-i-dinu- lut*nu- itya-di upadravala-i- "vigraha", phauja lii-, s'atrula-i- tha-ha- dii- athava- tyasai cad*ha-i- garna-la-i- "ya-na", s'atru balava-n cha bhant*ha-nera phauja, killa-, taya-ra gari- pari a-eko garnu parla- bhanne hisa-bale ba-t*o herna-la-i- "a-sana", balava-nko maddata ma-gera, avasara parema- sidhya-um^la- aile maile garaum* bhanne vica-ra gari s'atrusam^ga mile jhaim* garna-la-i- "dvaidha", s'atrule sa-hrai duh*kha dim*da- balava-n arko ra-ja-ko s'aran*a lina-la-i- "a-s'raya", i- 6 karmala-i- "s*ad*gun*a" bhandachan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: Severally mentioned. Viz. Pacification war. A progress or a march. A halt or the maintainaing of a post. A double resource or a stratagem." (p.195)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A3.1592 Show image of A3.68b