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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thathyam*vu as a complete word >> manuscript block with thathyam*vu
manuscript block containing search term thathyam*vu
manuscript . block number : A2.194 -- folio . line : 14b.2 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit ma-se ca yatra sa- na-mna- sa paus*o ma-gha-dya-scaivameka-das'a-pare {3}
phrase Newari English
1paus*i- dha-ya- pu-rn*n*ama-si- thaulu ma-saya- na- paus*am* ma-sa; Paus*a month is named having possessed the full moon of Paus*i- in the month
2ma-ghi- dha-ya- paurn*n*ama-si- tholvao ma-gha ma-sa; Ma-gha month possessed the full moon of Ma-ghi-
3caitri- pu-rn*n*ama-si- thaulva caitra ma-sa; Caitra month possessed the full moon of Caitri-
4{4} thathyam*vu dva-ko la-ya- na-ma juyu in this way all names of the month proceeds
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Sanskritna-mna- sa paus*o, ma-gha-dya-s'caivameka-das'a'pare
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1paus*a paus*i-pu-rn*ima-le yukta bhayeka- mahina- paus*a
comment / problem
1SH : no message
apare ma-gha-dya-h* eka-das'a evam (aru ma-gha a-digareka- 11 mahina-ka- na-ma pani yastai vyutpattile siddha hunchan) sa- yatra ma-se bhavati (tyo paus*i- pu-rn*ima- jun mahina-ma- hunche) sah* ma-sah* paus*ah* (tyo mahina- paus*a kahincha)
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
Near . . . cancer. (p.28)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A2.194 Show image of A2.14b