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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> andhakàra as a complete word >> manuscript block with andhakàra
manuscript block containing search term andhakàra
manuscript . block number : A3a.2897 -- folio . line : 92a.1 -- tradition : A1 -- 637 NS -- 1517 AD
Sanskrit tama
phrase Newari English hom no
1ràhu the ascending node of the moon considered as the eighth planet
2andhakàra darkness
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Sanskritràhau dhvànte guõe tamaþ //231//
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1tamas ràhu ràhu moon's ascending node
2tamas dhvànta andhakàra darkness
3tamas guõa tamoguõa the third quality
4tamas ÷oka aj¤àna grief
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: 3- "According to the sàïkhya system of philosophy: darkness or illusion, contrasted to truth and passion". (p.368)
(from compilation)
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