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manuscript block containing search term arthasa
manuscript . block number : A5.3964 -- folio . line : 122a.4 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit talv�nda yenikadyatr� vairamaithunik�pivun {5} str�bh�v�d�vaniktinvu�a�acakyapoyuja�i�ni�ya�
phrase Newari English
1thvatey�vu� bh�va �di arthasa barttarapara���na str�li�ga jura� From A2_3968: it becomes feminine when remains in the meaning of these content etc.
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Sanskritstr�bh�v�d�vanikti��vul�ac�vuckyabyuji�a�nya��� //4//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x "stry�m" bhanne s�trak� adhik�ram� bh�va, kara�a prabh�ti artham� vidh�na gariek� ani, ktin, �vul, �ac, �vuc, kyap, yuc, i�, a�, ni, a, �a yati 12 pratyaya antyam� hune �abda str�li�g� hunchan or in ani, etc.
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 294 expl. and pg. 293 fn.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Nouns ending in these eleven affixes, which import the state of being, etc. are feminine: viz. ani, signifying an imprecation. ktin(ti) for the abstract sense (Ex. sm�ti�, recollection): �van (convertible into ik�) denominating a disease; or implying the import of the verb (as j�vik�, livelihood); also �vac; �ac (� �) implying reciprocity; as vy�vakro��, mutual imprecation: kyap(y�) conveying the abstract sense; as brahmahaty�, sacrilage: yuc(an�) with the abstract sense; as ma��an�, decoration: ij(i) indicating question and reply: a� (� �) for the abstract sense: Ex. pac� cookery: ni with the abstract import: Ex. gl�ni�, fatigue: a also in the abstract sense; as cik�r��, desire to act: (but some omit this affix; others interpose it after kyap, others transpose some of the latter affixes:) �a (� �) with the same abstract import: Ex. kriy�, action." (p.385)
(from compilation)
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