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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> hariõã as a complete word >> manuscript block with hariõã
manuscript block containing search term hariõã
manuscript . block number : A2.287 -- folio . line : 19a.2 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit guõe ÷uklàdayaþ puüsi guõiliügàstu tadvati
phrase Newari English
1÷ukla ÷abda àdipaü {3} guõavàcã juko puüliüga; all attributive words like ÷ukla etc. are masculine
2dravyavàcã juko vàcyaliüga all substantive are adjectival
3rohiõã lohità raktà lohinãlohità ca sà lohi(ti?)kà lohiõãkà ràgà tathà kopàdinà'pi {4} và strã liüga padàrtha, heüïu vaniyà nàma; rohiõã ... words for red colour
4÷oõã ÷oõà hyaüïu khvàla strã; ÷oõã ÷oõà red faced woman
5atha pi÷aïgã hariõã tviyaühariteõã sãyu khvàla strã; atha pi÷aïgã ... grey faced woman
6{5} tathà età eõã ÷yetà÷yeõã ÷ità ca sà paüóunã bharã tathà età ... pale - white woman
7(nã?)le vastre ca và nàmni nãlã pràõini coùadhau ñhiüka ÷àlãyà nàma; (nã?)le vastre ... word for women's lower garment of variegared colour
8nãlã nãlà nãla {19b.1} ghurhã sarhaüyà nàma no aüjanaphuliyà nàma no nãlã dhàya word for a mare and also for the indigo plant is called nãlã
comment / problem
1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
no comment
(from compilation)
2SA : no message
ME of aüjanaphu li is taken from nãlã.
(from compilation)
3MA : no message
Cf. ñhikaügu li syn. citra one of the ME os citra is variegated .
(from compilation)
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Sanskritcitraü kirmãrakalmàùa÷abalaità÷ca karbure / guõe ÷uklàdayaþ puüsi guõiliïgàstu tadvati //17// iti dhãvargaþ
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1citra 6 citra varõa ra tyo varõa hune vastu 6 variegated
comment / problem
1SH : no message
÷uklàdayaþ guõe puüsi (÷ukla÷ubhra àdi garekà yahà§sammakà ÷abda pani guõalàã kaha§dà puüliïgamà rahanchan) tadvati tu guõiliïgàþ (guõavànlàã kaha§dà tà guõavàn vastuvàcaka ÷abdakà liïgamutàbikakà liïgamà rahanchan)
(from compilation)
2SE : repetition of part of another (usually, the previous) block
no comment
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> hariõã as a complete word >> manuscript block with hariõã
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