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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> kaõñhakàri as a complete word >> manuscript block with kaõñhakàri
manuscript block containing search term kaõñhakàri
manuscript . block number : A3a.2438 -- folio . line : 81a.7 -- tradition : A1 -- 637 NS -- 1517 AD
Sanskrit bçhatã
phrase Newari English hom no
1kaõñhakàri a kind of plant
2chada a metre
3tava great
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Sanskritbçhatã kùudravàrtàkã chandobhede mahatyapi /
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1bçhatã, f kùudravàrtàkã bihã an egg plant
2bçhatã, f chandobheda 9 akùarako 1 pàu hune chanda a metre
3bçhatã, f bçhatã ñhålã strã vyakti women
4bçhatã, mfn mahatã ñhålo vastu great
comment / problem
1CO : no message
3- English gloss is supplied from MW.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "3. a large lute, 4. a mantle". (p.321)
(from compilation)
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