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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thute as a complete word >> manuscript block with thute
manuscript block containing search term thute
manuscript . block number : A1.1442 -- folio . line : 35a.3 -- tradition : A1 -- 501 NS -- 1381 AD
Sanskrit brahmac�r� g�h� v�naprastha yat�
phrase Newari English
1thute p� ��rama these are four stages of life
comment / problem
1SA : no message
��rama "a stage, order or period of the (religious ) life of a Br�hma�a .
(from compilation)
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Sanskritbrahmac�r� g�h� v�naprastho bhik�u�catu��aye //3//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1brahmac�rin c�ra ��ram� the four orders
comment / problem
1SH : no message
upanayana (vratabandha) bhaepachi, vidhip�rvaka viv�ha nahunjy�la manas�, karma��, v�c�, str� sa�bhoga nagarnel�� "brahmac�r�" bhanchan. g�hasth��rama garnel�� "g�h�" bhandachan. b��ho huna l�gepachi, n�tiko mukha dekhepachi, str�l�� gharai ch��era athav� s�thai liera vanam� ga� tapasy� garnel�� "v�naprastha" bhandachan. v�naprastha ��ramam� keh� dina rah� vair�gya p�r�a bhaepachi sany�sa linel�� "bhik�u" (yati) bhandachan. brahmacaryab��a ra g�rhasthyab��a, ekadama sany�sa linel�� pani "bhik�u, yati" bhandachan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "In succession as enumerated: viz. 1st. The religious student, who has received investiture, and is unmarried, 2nd. The householder or married man. 3rd. The hermit or anchoret. 4th The mendicant or ascetic". (p.175)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A1.1442 Show image of A1.35a