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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thute as a complete word >> manuscript block with thute
manuscript block containing search term thute
manuscript . block number : A1.1589 -- folio . line : 39a.4 -- tradition : A1 -- 501 NS -- 1381 AD
Sanskrit (sandhirn� . . . �a�gu���)
phrase Newari English
1sandhi, thethai jaca; sandhi, to be friend each other
2vigraha, {5} lo �haya; vigraha, to make quarrel
3�sana� dvedham��r�ya�, phasana co�ja; �sana (dvaidha, ��raya), to remain enduring ?
4y�na, cela co�ja; y�na, to remain a servant
5sa��raya, �atruy�ke kol�ca; sa��raya, to be mild with an enemy
6dvedh�vabh�va, kha�na dvasana taya, dvaidh�bh�va, to keep blaming with talk
7thute �a�agu�a these are six expedients of defence
comment / problem
1CO : no message
some NP synonym is not appropriat e
(from compilation)
2HJ : no message
phaya "to bear, to endure (for 3).
(from compilation)
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Sanskritsa�dhirn� vigraho y�nam�sana� dvaidham��raya� //18// �a�gu���
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1sandhi sandhi - �di 6 gu�a six expedients of defence
comment / problem
1SH : no message
�ph�bhand� baliyo athav� barobara bhaek� �atrul��, keh� diera, mil�� r�khn�l�� "sandhi" bhandachan. yo sandhik� dherai bheda chan n�ti��stra hera. �atruko de�am� �go l��din� lu�n� ity�di upadraval�� "vigraha", phauja li�, �atrul�� th�h� di� athav� tyasai ca�h�� garn�l�� "y�na", �atru balav�n cha bhan�h�nera phauja, kill�, tay�ra gar� pari �eko garnu parl� bhanne his�bale b��o hern�l�� "�sana", balav�nko maddata m�gera, avasara parem� sidhy�u�l� aile maile garau� bhanne vic�ra gari �atrusa�ga mile jhai� garn�l�� "dvaidha", �atrule s�hrai du�kha di�d� balav�n arko r�j�ko �ara�a lin�l�� "��raya", � 6 karmal�� "�a�gu�a" bhandachan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: Severally mentioned. Viz. Pacification war. A progress or a march. A halt or the maintainaing of a post. A double resource or a stratagem." (p.195)
(from compilation)
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