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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> je as a complete word
The Lexicon contains 4 instances of je as a complete word
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(tradition / date)
phrase NewariEnglish
(A1 / 637 NS)
1je bhiünakaü dayakà making a work very much
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1saügràmasa je ïhahàya je ïhahàya dhàva saying I proceed I proceed in the war
(A2 / 803 NS)
19jàlayàtvaü mavalaïàva {5} àbharaõa àdiõa tvadatàva saüsàrasa je upra abhàgi madu donoyo dhakaü saüïà bhàva the sentiment of moving saying that I made mistake, I am deprived, nobody is there for me in this world, taking out ornaments etc. when the lover does not come
(A2 / 803 NS)
4gathe {5} chinaü chepaütha je jaya dhakaü dhàyà dharma upadhà, saying I shall be in your side as ease ? is bhayopadhà ("allurement under the pressure of fear")
Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> je as a complete word
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