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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thai as a complete word
The Lexicon contains 6 instances of thai as a complete word
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(tradition / date)
phrase NewariEnglish
(A1 / 501 NS)
1thai khaüïà seeing by oneself
(A1 / 501 NS)
2thai malhàyà ÷abdavu anumànana saiye juroü it is to be known by guessing of the words not told here
(A2 / 506 NS)
1(2a.1) strãliüga puüliüga napuüsakaliüga thi svaütà liüga thai saivhana here three genders feminine, masculine and neuter are to be known
(A2 / 506 NS)
1pçthivãvarga, puravarga, parvvatvarga vanoùadhivarga, siühàdivarga, manuùyavarga, brahmavarga {4}kùattriya, vai÷yavarga, sådravarga, thvateyà sàügopàïgana thai lhàye Here it is explained with complete parts and its auxialleries of the Vargas Pçthvã, Pura, Parvata, Vanauùadhi, Siühàdi, Nç, Brahma, Kùatriya, Vai÷ya and ÷ådra.
(A2 / 506 NS)
1lyàjyà thàjyàna {60a.1} thama thai posarapaü cvaügva one who remains nourshing oneself with leisure-work and weaving-work
(A1 / 637 NS)
2thai malhàyà {3} ÷abdavu anumànana seye juro it is to be known by guessing of the words not told here
Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> thai as a complete word
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