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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritsam�h�ty�nyatantr��i sa�k�iptai� pratisa�sk�tai� samp�r�amucyate vargairn�mali�g�nu��sanam
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
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anyatantr��i (aru ko�aharukana) sam�h�tya (ekatra garera) sa�k�iptai� (sa�k�epa gariyek�) pratisa�sk�tai� (vy�kara��nus�ra �odhana gariek�) vargai� (saj�t�ya vastu sam�hale - vargale) sa�p�r�am (sabai) n�mali�g�nu��sanam (n�ma ra li�gako �ik�a�a garne yo ko�a grantha jo cha so) ucyate (kahincha - ban�incha) Deshmukh: The second verse sets out the overall purpose, which is to teach the whole of the science of designation, with genders, according to a classification and after consulting other lexicons with succinctness.
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 8 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1mya�vu grantha sakalat� sa�k�epa ya��agacaka� summerizing all other treatises
 2vastuy� n�ma no li�ga no seyukena for learning of the matter the nouns and genders
 3thva grantha lh�ra��� juro� this treatise is described
(A2 / 506 NS)
1(4) me�va me�va ��strasa k��sya� mu��a collecting taking from other scriptures
 2varga jiyaka� arranging in the group
 3n�ma no li�ga no seye dvayaka� making to learn nouns and genders
 4sa�p�r��a y��a thama dvayaka� making completely by himself
 5n�mali�g�nu��sana� (5) dh�y� n�ma thva gra�tha amarasi�ha pa��isana lh�y� thva this treatise called N�mali�g�nu��sana, is described by Pu��ita Amara�i�ha
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1myamva myamva ��strasa k�sya� mu�a collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga j�yaka� arranging in the group
 3n�ma no li�ga no seya dvayaka making to learn nouns and genders
 4sap�r�a y��a thama �vapa� making completely by himself
 5n�mali�g�nus�sana� (5) dh�y� thva grantha amara�i��ha pa��itasana lh�y� thva this treatise called N�mali�g�nu��sana, is described by Pu��ita Amara�i�ha
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1(6) mya�va mya�va ��strasa k�sya� mu��a collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga j�yaka� arranging in the group
 3n�ma no� vargga no� seya dvayaka� making to learn nouns and groups
 4sa�p�r�na y��a thama (7) dvay�k� making completely by himself
 5n�mali�g�nu��sana dh�y� thva grantha� anu��sana j��na� amarasi�ha pa��iy�sena (8) lh�y� this treatise called N�mali�g�nu��sana, the knowledge of discipline, is described by Pu��ita Amarasi�ha
(A1 / 550 NS)
1grantha sakala sa�k�epa ya�ag�caka� summerizing all other treatises
 2(3) vastuy� n�ma no li�ga no seyakena for learning of the matter the nouns and genders
 3thva grantha lh�ra�� juro� this treatise is described
(A2 / 662 NS)
1mya�va (5) mya�va ��strasa k�sya� mu��a collecting taking from other scriptures
 2vargga j�yaka� arranging in the group
 3n�ma no� vargga no� seye dvayaka� making to learn nouns and groups
 4sa�p�r��a ya��a thama dvayak� making completely by himself
 5n�mali�g�nu��sana dh�y� thva (6) granthe� amarasi�ha pa��iy�sana lh�y� this treatise called N�mali�g�nu��sana is described by Pu��ita Amarasi�ha
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1meva nava grantha ��strasa mu��va collecting from other nine treatieses
 2n�ma no� li�ga no� vyakta y��a expressing nouns and genders
 3seya jiyaka� facilitating to learn
 4amarasi�ha pa��itasya� dayak� juro made by Pu��ita Amarasi�ha
(A2 / 803 NS)
1(5) mya�va mya�va ��strasa pik�sya� mo��va collecting extracting from other scriptures
 2vargga jiyaka� arranging in group
 3n�ma nva� li�ga nva� seya dayak�va making to learn nouns and genders
 4sa�p�r��a y��a thama dayaka� making completely by himself
 5n�mali�g�nu��sa(na?) (dh�y�?) (6) n�ma thva gra�tha amalasi��a pa��itasena lh�y� thva this treatise called N�mali�g�nu��sana is described by Pu��ita Amarasi�ha
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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