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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritvipras'nika- tvi-ks*an*ika- daivajn~a-
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vipras'nika- s'ubha-s'ubha s'akuna ja-nne stri- a fortune - teller
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The Lexicon contains 17 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1cha-ya-lini a female fortune-teller
(A2 / 506 NS)
1sava saiva ya-m*n^a jauva myasa- a woman who goes doing that she has learnt and known (fortune-telling)
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1{6} sa(va?) seva ya-n^a jova misa- From A2_1287: a woman who goes doing that she has learnt and known (fortune-telling)
(A1 / 550 NS)
1{2} cha-ya-lini From A1_1122: a female fortune-teller
(A1 / 637 NS)
1{8} cha-ya-lini misa- From A1_1122: a female fortune-teller
(A2 / 662 NS)
1sava seva {2} ya-n^a jova misa- From A2_1287: a woman who goes doing that she has learnt and known (fortune-telling)
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1cha-yala ya-n^a jova one who goes doing fortune-telling
(A2 / 803 NS)
1sava siva ya-n^a cha-ya-lini-; a female fortune-teller who does that she has learnt and known (fortune-telling)
 2svara-yuva stri- a woman who is likely to look
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1bhim* mabhim* cha-y soya savmha misa- a woman who knows to see fortune whether it is good or bad
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1purus*ana ya-cakayka-va sama-la tilhilam* tiya purus* bas'a taya- cvom*mha misa- a woman who has remained keeping in control her husband attaching ornaments and causing to adorn by her husband
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1mev misa-v bhoga cihna am*jalan sidhalan kyaka lusi va- gha-l purus*ya-ke khan^a-va tama ca-vmha one who is angry seeing signs of sexual enjoyment smeared with mascara and red lead and sore of nails and teeth with her husband of other woman
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1ka-ma bha-vam* lasam* danka-va purus*ava na-pala-y dhaka sam*keta tha-ya van^mha misa-jana women who go to the indicated place saying to meet their paramour causing to rise pleasure of sexual feeling
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1ca-kaka-va comha purus*a tolata-va vam* myale tamana pa-sam*nta-pa ca-va lipota ...misa- a woman who feels repentance afterwards who goes to other leaving her husband who has remained sweetly
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1thani ji chanke vaya- dha-ya-va meva misa-ya-ke van^ mijana mavaya-va tamam* comha ... {4} misa- vamha that woman who remains with angry not coming her paramour who goes with other woman saying "Today I shall come to your place"
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1aneka ka-ryya ma-la-va purus*a ta-pa-ka des'asa van^a-va mansa duh*kham* com*mha misa- a woman who remains with sorrow in mind due to going in far country her husband searching many works
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1sama-la ya-n^a-va tisa-m* tiya-va la-sa- la-ya-va com* misa- omha that woman who remains doing decoration, attaching ornaments, spreading out a bed
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1purus*a vayuva dhaka-va lasana pi-ya-va pusmivo pha-chim* ka-mabetha-n kaya-va cvan^a ... mi-sa-, a woman who remians pricking by sexul pain very much of husband waiting with pleasure saying the husband will come
 2thva cya-mha as*t*ana-yika- these eight are eight heroines
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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