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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritkadal� kandal� c�na�cam�rupriyak�vapi / sam�ru�ceti hari�� am� ajinayonaya� //9// k���as�rarurunya�kura�ku�ambararauhi��� / gokar�ap��atai�ar�yarohit��camaro m�g�� //10// gandharva� �arabho r�ma� s�maro gavaya� �a�a� /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1kadal� m�ga vi�e�a sorts of deer
2kandal� (kadalin kandalin)
7k���as�ra (k���a��ra)
12rauhi�a (rohi�a)
14p��ata (p��at)
16��ya (��ya)
17rohita (lohita)
comment / problem
1SH : no message
sabai m�ga vi�e�a ra s�m�nya m�ga pani "ajinayoni" kahinchan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "various sorts of deer - "Severally named in the text, as the black antelope, the stag, etc. But these terms are not all rigidly applied to different species; and some are not of the deer kind". various animals - "Severally named in the text". (p.129)
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
sorts of deer, of which the hides are used; various sorts of deer; various animals.
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 12 manuscript citations that reference
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(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1camuru, m�gay� j�ti {4} vise�a; cam�ru, a specific kind of deer
 2k���as�ra, k�las�; k���as�ra, the spotted antilope
 3ruru, phusiri; ruru, a kind of deer
 4nya�ku, na�guni; nya�ku, a kind of deer
 5ra�ku, tyanu; ra�ku, a kind of deer
 6sambara, dasa; �ambara, a kind of deer
 7rohi�a, y�sa; rauhi�a, a kind of deer
 8gokar��a, ghesa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9p��ata, porhasa; p��ata, a kind of deer
 10rohita, kasturis�; rohita, a musk-deer
 11carama, camuris�; camara, the yak
 12{5} gandharvva, ghorh�m�ga; gandharva, a kind of deer
 13sarabha, svarhava; �arabha, a kind of deer
 14r�ma, passa; r�ma, a kind of deer
 15s�mara, s��ula; s�mara, a kind of deer
 16gavaya, jo; gavaya, a kind of deer
 17�a�a, bha�i the�gva si���ha �dipa� aneka vanacara, s� �dipa� aneka pa�u �a�a, lion etc. like a cat different beasts and cow etc. different animals
(A2 / 506 NS)
1kadal� kandal� kadal�, kandal� the spotted deer
 2c�na�cam�rupriyak�vapi,phusuri m�ga; c�na, cam�ru and priyaka, the spotted deer
 3sam�ru�ceti hari�� am� ajinayonaya�, tyanu; sam�ru (ajinayoni), a kind of deer
 4{54b.1} k���as�ra�, k�las�; k���as�ra, the spotted antilope
 5rurunya�ku�, na�guni; ruru and nya�ku, a kind of deer
 6ra�ku�, ra�ka; ra�ku, a kind of deer
 7sambara�, �h�ph� sa� thaulva sa�bara dh�y� sa'mbara, one who has hair in tail is called �ambara
 8sora��ha de�asa dava m�ga; a deer having in the country of Saur���ra
 9gokar��a�, y�sa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 10p��ata�, {2} citta thaulva m�ga; p��ata, a deer having spot
 11e�a�, c�sa; e�a, a kind of deer
 12��ya�, n�lam�ga; ��ya, a deer of blue-coloured
 13rohit��, ghorh�m�ga; rohita, a kind of deer
 14camara�, camaris� camara, the yak
 15thvataivu� m�g�� m�gaj�ti {3} juro� these are species of deer
(A2 / 506 NS)
1gandharvva� �arabh� {4} r�ma�, svarhabha; "Sanskrit words"
 2gavaya�, gevala; gavaya, a kind of deer
 3�a�a�, �a�a �a�a, a kind of deer
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1phusuru m�gay� n�ma sam�ru�ca, sam�ru, word for spotted deer
 2tenuy� n�ma iti hari���, hari�a, word for a kind of deer
 3thvatevu� hari�a {4} sa�j��; these are names of deer
 4am� ajinayonaya�, thvatevu� ajinayoni dh�ye; am� ajinayonaya�, these are called ajinayon� ("deer")
 5k��nas�ra�, k�las�; k���as�ra, the spotted antilope
 6rurunya�ku�, na�gu�i {5} hari�a; ruru and nya�ku, a kind of deer
 7ra�ku sa�bara rohi���, �hapu sa� thvala sa�bara m�ga dh�ye; ra�ku, �ambara and rauhi�a, one who has hair in the tail is called �ambara deer
 8gokar��a y�sa gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9p��at�, e�aka {6} ena; cusi; p��ata, e�aka and e�a a kind of deer
 10��ya, n�la m�ga; ��ya, a deer of blue-coloured
 11rohit��, gho�am�ga; rohita, a musk-deer
 12camara�, camurus�; camara, the yak
 13m�g��, thvatevu� m�ga {7} j�ti juro�; m�g��, these are kinds of deer
 14gandharvva� sarabho r�ma�, so�avay� n�ma; gandharva, �rabha and r�ma, words for a kind of deer
 15s�maro gavaya� �a�a�, �a�ay� n�ma s�mara, gavaya and �a�a, words for a kind of deer
(A1 / 550 NS)
1thvate m�gay� j�ti vi�e�a these are specific kind of deer
 2k���as�ra, k�las�y� {3} n�ma; k���as�ra, word for the spotted antilope
 3ruku, chisiriy� n�ma; ruru, word for the spotted deer
 4nya�ku, na�guni; nya�ku, a kind of deer
 5ra�ka, tyanuy� n�ma; ra�ku, word for a kind of deer
 6sambara, da�sa; �ambara, a kind of deer
 7rohi�a, y�say� {4} n�ma; rauhi�a, word for a kind of deer
 8gokar��a, yosa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9p��ate�avya, pva�asay� n�ma; p��ata (�avya?), word for a kind of deer
 10rohit�, kasturis�; rohita, a musk deer
 11�camaro m�g��, c�mharas�; camara m�ga, the yak
 12{5} gandharvva�, ghorh�m�ga; gandharva, a kind of deer
 13sarabho, svarhabha; �arabha, a kind of deer
 14r�ma, passay� n�ma; r�ma, word for a kind of deer
 15s�mero, s��vala; s�mara, a kind of deer
 16gavaya�, s�; gavaya, cow (-faced deer)
 17�a�a, �a��ay� n�ma �a�a, word for a kind of deer
(A1 / 637 NS)
1{4} cam�ru m�gay� j�ti vise�a; cam�ru, a specific kind of deer
 2k���as�ra, k�ras�; k���as�ra, the spotted antilope
 3ruru, phusuri; ruru, a kind of deer
 4nya�gu, {5} na�guni; nya�ku, a kind of deer
 5sambara, dva�sa; ra�ku, a kind of deer
 6raku, tyanu; �ambara, a kind of deer
 7roh��a, y�sa; rauhi�a, a kind of deer
 8gokar��a, gherasa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9v��ata, pvarhasa; p��ata, a kind of deer
 10{6} roh�ta kasturis�; rohita, a musk-deer
 11camara, c�muris�; camara, the yak
 12gandharva, ghorha m�ga; gandharva, a kind of deer
 13sarabha kharhapa; �arabha, a kind of deer
 14{7} r�ma, passa; r�ma, a kind of deer
 15s�mara, ��rdula; s�mara, a kind of deer
 16gavaya, jo; gavaya, a kind of deer
 17�a�a, bha�i thya�gva prasiddha, siha �dipa� {8} aneka vanacara; s� �dipa� aneka pa�u �a�a, lion etc. like a cat different beasts and cow etc. different animals
(A2 / 662 NS)
1kadar� kandal� c�na�cam�rapriyak�dapi, {9} phu�aru m�gay� n�ma; kadal�, kandal�, cina, cam�ru and priyaka, words for the spotted deer
 2sam�ru�ca, tenu�; sam�ru, a kind of deer
 3iti hari���; thvatevu hari�a; iti hari��, these are deer
 4sa�j�� am� ajinayonaya�, {45a.1} thvatevu ajinayoni dh�ye; sa�j�� an� ajinaya�, these are called ajinayon� (deer)
 5k���as�ra�, k�las�; k���as�ra, the spotted antilope
 6ruru nya�ku, na�guni; ruru and nya�ku, a kind of deer
 7ra�ku sambara rohi���, �hapu sa� {2} thvalo sa�bara m�ga dh�ye; ra�ku, �ambara and rauhi�a, one who has hair in the tail is called �ambara deer
 8gokar��a, y�sa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9p��at�, e�aka, e�a�, cusi; p��ata, e�aka and e�a, a kind of deer
 10��ya, n�lam�ga� ��ya, a deer of blue-coloured
 11rohit��, gho�am�ga�; rohita, a musk-deer
 12{3} camara�, cam�rus�; camara, the yak
 13m�g��, thvatevu� m�gaj�ti juro�; m�g��, these are kinds of deer
 14ga�dharvva� �arabho r�ma�, so�vavay� n�ma; gandharva, �arabha and r�ma, words for a kind of deer
 15s�maro {4} gavaya� �a�a�, �a�ay� n�ma s�mara. gavaya and �a�a, words for a kind of deer
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1kadal� kandal� {5} c�na�, tyanu; kadal�, kandal� and c�na, a kind of deer
 2cam�rupriyak�vapi sam�ru�ceti hari��, camuras�; cam�ru, priyaka and sam�ru, the yak
 3am� ajinayonaya�, s�m�nya m�ga�; am� ajinayonaya�, common deer
 4k���a��raruru�ya�ku, k�las�; k���as�ra, ruru and nya�ku, the spotted antilope
 5ra�ku, pva�asa; ra�ku, a kind of deer
 6sa�bara, tyanu; �ambara, a kind of deer
 7rauhi��, y�sa; rauhi�a, a kind of deer
 8gokar��a, ghosa; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 9{51b.1} p��atai, kocal�; p��ata, a kind of deer
 10�ar�ya, cala; ��ya, a deer
 11rohit��;, �a�a�v��a; rohita, horse-faced (deer)
 12camaro m�g��, cam�tas�; camara m�ga, the yak
 13ga�dharvva� �arabho, ��d�la; gandharva and �arabha, a kind of deer
 14r�ma�, s�mayo, gva�a��; r�ma and s�mara, a kind of deer
 15gavaya�, s�khv�ra; gavaya, cow-faced (deer)
 16�a�a�, �a�a �a�a, a kind of deer
(A2 / 803 NS)
1kadal� kandal� c�na�camurupriyak�vadi, phusalu m�ga; kadal�, kandal�, c�na, cam�ru and priyaka, the spotted deer
 2sam�lu�ca, tetu; sam�ru, a kind of deer
 3kadal�, �veta m�ga; kadal�, white deer
 4{3} ka��al�, �ho��a m�ga; kandal�, jackal(-like) deer
 5c�na, c�s�; c�na, a kind of deer
 6camuru, camurus�; cam�ru, a kind of deer
 7priyakau api, svara bhi�gva mha hy��u du toyu cumurus�; priyaka, a kind of deer having a good voice, red body and white back (of the body)
 8c�muru�ca, {4} mha� eyo khv�la h�kva cal� thathe�u dh�va; cam�ru�ca, yellow body, black faced deer - this is also called
 9kadal� �di iti hari�a, thvatevu� hari�a saj��; kadal� �di iti hari�a, these are also names of deer
 10am� ajinayonaya�, {5} thvatevu� ajinayoni dh�ya; am� ajinayonaya�, these are also called ajinayon� ("deer")
 11budhe gotra . . . ; "Sanskrit words"
 12k���as�rarurunya�ka, na�gu�is�; k���as�ra, ruru and nya�ku, a kind of deer
 13rukusa�vararohi���, {6} hupu sa� thvala, sa�vara m�ga dh�ya ra�ku, �a�bara and rauhisa, having hair in the tail is called �ambara deer
 14ra�ku tenu sa�vara ra�ku, a kind of deer having hair in the tail
 15thvate�a tevu dh�va; these also could be (the deer)
 16rauhi��, rakta ch�ga sad�sa; rauhi�a, like a red goat
 17(go?) {7} gokar��a, y��a; gokar�a, a kind of deer
 18p��atai, e�aka, pva�asa, p��ata and e�aka, a kind of deer
 19e�a sa�a� the��ago cal�; e�a, horse-like deer
 20na�yaro, cusiy� n�ma; ��ya, a kind of deer
 21rohit�, gho�am�ga; rohita, a musk-deer
 22{61a.1} camaro, c�muras�; camara, the yak
 23m�g��, thvatevu� m�gaj�ti julo, m�g� these are kinds of deer
 24gho�am�ga, kast�r�s� �u dh�va; a musk-deer and the yak is also called
 25gandharvva� �arabho r�ma so�apay� {2} n�ma; gandharva, �arabha and r�ma, words for a kind of deer
 26s�maro, ����la; s�mara, a kind of deer
 27gavaya�, bor�go c�mhara dava oy� n�ma; gavaya, word for that which has bushy hair (c�mara) in the tail (?)
 28thvaoy� m�ma cam�ra b�pa sa��a�; mother of this is cam�ra (a kind of deer) and father a horse
 29{3} �a�a�, �a�ay� n�ma �a�a, a kind of deer
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1k�ls� the spotted antilope
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1y�sa a kind of deer
(no trad. / 831 NS)
1c�mhals� the yak
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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