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manuscript . block number : A3.158 -- folio . line : 12b.3 -- tradition : A1 -- 550 NS -- 1430 AD
Sanskrit {3} sa parvvasandhiž pratipatpa¤cada÷yoryadaülaraü
phrase Newari English
1punisivo pąóovo antaragahanayą (ve)lą From A1_153: the time enclosing the full moon and the first lunar day
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Sanskritsa parvasandhiž pratipatpa¤cada÷yoryadantaram
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1parvan parevą ra auüsć pårõimąko jora (sandhi) the full and change of the moon
comment / problem
1SH : no message
60 ghaóćko ałńamąü÷a kąla (7 ghaóć)ko 1 prahara huncha pratipatpa¤cada÷yož (parevą ra auüsćpårõimąko) yat antaram (jo bćca cha) sa sandhiž (tyo jyora jo cha so) parva (parva kahincha)
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
The junction of the 15th and 1st of a half month or the precise moment of the full or change of the moon. (p.26)
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> amąvąsyą as a complete word >> manuscript block with amąvąsyą
Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A3.158 Show image of A3.12b