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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> càkala as a complete word >> manuscript block with càkala
manuscript block containing search term càkala
manuscript . block number : A4.1928 -- folio . line : 71a.3 -- tradition : no trad. -- 591 NS -- 1471 AD
Sanskrit kakùyà
phrase Newari English hom no
1cheüyà duübã entering of a house
2mekhalà waist-band
3kisiyà {4} dàte cãüïà khã a rope for tying in the middle of an elephant
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Sanskritkakùyà prakoùñhe harmyàdeþ kà¤cyàü madhyebhabandhane /
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1kakùyà harmyàdi - prakoùñha (kakùà) kakùà, óhokà, óevaóhã enclosure of an edifice
2kakùyà kà¤cã (kàkùà) kardanã, kandanã, kamarapeñã a string of bells, worn by women
3kakùyà madhyebhabandhana (kakùà) hàttãko madhya bhàga kasne óorã a rope round an elephant's body
4kakùyà kakùà (padonnati) darjà efforts, exertion
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Or 2. the gate of such an inclosure, m.6. the armpit". (p.345)
(from compilation)
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