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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> ka-ran^a-sa as a complete word >> manuscript block with ka-ran^a-sa
manuscript block containing search term ka-ran^a-sa
manuscript . block number : A2.451 -- folio . line : 26a.1 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit stri-n*a-m* vila-savivvokavibhrama- lalitantatha- hela- li-letyami- ha-va-h* kriya-h* sr*m*ga-rabha-vaja-h*
phrase Newari English
1{2} stri-sana ja-ya-pau purus*a kham*nan^a-sa sa-m*n^a- bha-va vila-sa dha-ye; moving sentiment on seeing a man born by a woman is called vila-sa
2purus*asa yeya- yeya- pada-rtha birasano mayeya- thyam* ana-dara ya-m*n^a- stri-ya- bha-va vivvoka dha-ye; the sentiment of a woman doing dishonour as of not liked even when the material is given what is liked by the man is called vivoka
3purus*avo daura {3} vam*n~e coram*n^a-na a-bharanana ti-yesa dom*jakam* sa-m*n^a- bha-va vibhrama dha-ye; the sentiment of moving mistaking in putting ornaments having confused whether to go or stay when there is the lover (man) is called vibhrama
4sukomala ya-n^a sa-m*n^a- bha-va lalita dha-ye; the sentiment of moving having tenderness is called lalita
5purus*am*n^a lum*gvarhana ga-ya- ka-rajana garava chusyam* {4} sam*n^a- bha-va hela- dha-ye; the sentiment of moving feeling proud of the work that intended by the heart of the lover is called hela-
6ja-ya- purus*aya- sola sa-m*n~e bha-va li-la- dha-ye the sentiment of moving with the imitation of the beloved person is called li-la-
7thvatai a-dipam* s'ari-rana ja-yarapo no cittana ja-yarapo no stri-ya- sr*m*ga-ra bha-va dva-ko ha-vabha-va {5} dha-ye jurom* all amorous sentiment of these and others of a woman produced from the body or by the mind is called ha-vabha-va
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Sanskritstri-n*a-m vila-savivvokavibhrama- lalitam* tatha- //31// hela- li-letyami- ha-va-h* kriya-h* s'r*n^ga-rabha-vaja-h* /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vila-sa 6 ha-va (yuvatiharu-ka- ces*t*a- vis'es*a) dalliance or blandishment
comment / problem
1SH : no message
stri-n*a-m* s'r*n^ga-rabha-vaja-h* kriya-h* vila-sa vivvoka vibhrama-h* (tatha-) lalitam* hela- li-la- ami- ha-va-h* (stri-haru-ka- s'r*n^ga-ra rasaba-t*a paida- hune kriya- svaru-pa bhaeka- vila-sa vivvoka prabhr*ti 6 vastu ha-va kahinchan
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see pg. 59 (bha-)
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "The instance of feminine actions proceeding from love, which are stated in the text, are thus explained" (p.53)
(from compilation)
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