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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> khaü as a complete word >> manuscript block with khaü
manuscript block containing search term khaü
manuscript . block number : A2b.3935 -- folio . line : 116b.7 -- tradition : A2 -- n.d. NS -- n.d. AD
Sanskrit niråho vastibhede {8} syàttarkkani÷rutayorapi - niråhaþ
phrase Newari English hom no
1vàsara laükhana neyàva cvàpvaóasa thaüïa tuki daya dayakàva {9} pyaüna pvàlasa ñuüki duüchoyàva và÷ra duühàyakaü pyaüña kvathe vastikarmma dhàya to purge bowel making entered the medicine making inserted a tube into the hole of anus making a tube, filling medicine grinding with water into a bladder is called Vastikarma "the application of an enema"
2manana paricheda yàïà doing descrimination with mind
3{10} ïeïà khaü àdãna, matter that head etc.
4hàntaþ h ends
5avyayà pare, Sanskkrit portion
6thvanali avyaya asaükhya ÷abda anekàrthaþ, after this numerous indeclinable words of homonyms
7{11} nànàrthavarggaþ homonyms
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Sanskritparicchade nçpàrhe'rthe paribarhaþ // iti hàntàþ // avyayàþ pare /
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1paribarha paricchada sarjàma a thing
2paribarha nçpàrhàrtha ràjayogya vastu insignia of royalty
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
has given in main meaning "retinue".
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "avyayàþ pare - "The following are indeclinable" (p.370)
(from compilation)
3SH : no message
aba upràntakà sabai ÷abda (varga samàptisammakà) avyaya hun.
(from compilation)
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