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manuscript block containing search term puliüga
manuscript . block number : A7.3867 -- folio . line : 183b.2 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit strãpuüsayàrapatyàntà
phrase Newari English
1{3} strãpuüsa ityakàrastrã puüsayo rityataþ pràk apatyànta ÷abda aupagavàdiþ strã strãliüga puüsa puliüga "Sanskrit words"
2{4} apatyaü; mocà anta, apatyam, indicating child at the end
3lithvayà bheda ã à anta misà seya a iu anta {5} puruùa seya later varieties are to be known feminine when ã, à ending and masculine when a, iu ending
4dvi; nasiü; dvi, two
5catuþ; pi 4; catuþ four 4
6ùañ; khu 6; ùañ, six 6
7pàda, tote; pada, leg
8uraga, bi dvipada manuùyàdi; uraga, snake bipeds man etc.
9{6} catupada a÷vàdi; quadrupeds horse etc.
10ùañpada bhramaràdi; six-legged, bee etc.
11uragaþ sarppàdiþ luüdaütana cuse bhetabolana {7} vaügvayà nàma uraga sarapadiþ, words for ones who go attaching and rubbing with breast
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synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x apatyàntàþ ÷abdàþ strãpuüsayoþ (apatya (santàna) arthamà vidhàna gariekà aõ, ya¤ ityàdi pratyaya antyamà hune ÷abda puüliïga ra strãliïgamà rahnchan) the following are masculine and feminine, viz. patronymics
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 309 expl.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "As bipeds, quadrupeds, insects, reptiles; also fish, etc. This rule is however subject to exceptions. Ex. makùikà, a fly. ÷ivà, a jackal. låtà, a spider. pipãlikà, an ant. All which are feminine whatever sex be intended." (p.399)
(from compilation)
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