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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> pàñagheriþ as a complete word >> manuscript block with pàñagheriþ
manuscript block containing search term pàñagheriþ
manuscript . block number : A2b.807 -- folio . line : 28b.9 -- tradition : A2 -- n.d. NS -- n.d. AD
Sanskrit dhàturmmanaþ÷ilàdyadrergairikantu vi÷eùataþ
phrase Newari English
1mana÷ãla haridhàra pàñagheru thvate àdipaü lohoüyà {10} vikàra dvàkva dhàtu dhàye, red arsenic, yellow orpiment, tablet of red chalk etc. all these transformation of rock is called Dhàtu
2thesavuü vi÷eùaraparape pàñagheri among them special is the tablet of red chalk
comment / problem
1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
no comment
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synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1dhàtu dhàtu (suna, cà§dã, tàmo, haritàla, manaþ÷ilà, geru, surmà, hiràkasã, phalàma, ràï, sãsà, hiïgula, gandhaka, abhraka, ityàdi) a fossil, or mineral
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 81. 1
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font No image for A2b.28b