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manuscript block containing search term ÷abdayà
manuscript . block number : A7.3891 -- folio . line : 184b.8 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit paraliüga su pradhàne dvaüdve tatpuruùepi tat
phrase Newari English
1itare ... {185a.1} seya juroü itare ..., is to be known,
2kàraka samàsana li anyàrtha samàsana tatpuruùana ... {2} (sa?)màsasa, other compound after case compound ...
3lithva ÷abdayà liügatoü ne gender of later words are two ?
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Sanskritparaliïgaü svapradhàne dvandve tatpuruùe'pi tat //42//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x svapradhàne dvandve paraliïgaü bhavati, tatpuruùe'pi tat (paraliïgaü) bhavati (samàsa garine sabai pada pradhàna bhaeko (arthàt itaretara yoga bujhàuna garine) dvandva samàsamà juna pada sababhandà para cha tyasaiko liïga samasta padamà rahancha. tatpuruùa samàsamà pani tyasaigarã para padako liïga rahancha) the gender of the final is retained
comment / problem
1SH : no message
jastai - "kukkuña÷ca mayårã ca - anayoþ itaretarayogaþ" bhandà "kukkuñamayåryau" yasto mayårã ÷abdako liïgànusàra samasta pada strãliïgã bhayo. "mayårã ca kukkuña÷ca" bhandà "mayårãkukkuñau" yasto kukkuña ÷abdako liïgànusàra samasta pada puüliïgã bhayo ityàdi. "bràhmaõasya kulaü" bhandà ùaùñhã tatpuruùa samàsa bhaera kula ÷abdako liïgànusàra "bràhmaõakulam" yo samasta pada klãbaliïgã bhayo. "kulasya bràhmaõaþ" bhandà pårvokta samàsa bhaera bràhmaõa ÷abdako liïgànusàra "kulabràhmaõaþ" yo samastapada puüliïgã bhayo ityàdi.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "In certain compound terms, Viz. Conjunctive compounds in which the several terms are principal; and compound terms formed of a principal one with a modification of it. Ex. (fem.) kukkuñamayuryau, a dunghill cock and a peahen. (masc.) mayurãkukkañau, a peahen and a dunghill cock. (m.) kulavipraþ, the priest of the family. (n.) viprakulaü, the family of the priest." (p.402)
(from compilation)
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