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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> t*an^a- as a complete word >> manuscript block with t*an^a-
manuscript block containing search term t*an^a-
manuscript . block number : A2.3808 -- folio . line : 151a.4 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit dva-rya-pi-d*e kva-tharase niryu-ho na-gadantake
phrase Newari English hom no
1kha- t*a-n^a- sill of the frame of a door
2kva-t*ha da-ya- ti- juice boiled extracted
3na-gadanta ivory
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Sanskritdva-rya-pi-d*e kva-tharase niryu-ho na-gadantake //236//
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1niryu-ha / nirvyu-ha dva-ra d*hoka- a door
2niryu-ha / nirvyu-ha a-pi-d*a jhuppa- (kapa-lama- la-une pus*pama-la-) a chaplet
3niryu-ha / nirvyu-ha kva-tharasa ka-m^d*ha-ko jhola extracted juice
4niryu-ha / nirvyu-ha na-gadantaka khut*i- (bhitta-ma- ra-khine terso ki-lo) a piece of wood jutting out of a wall
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "5. wood placed in a wall (for doves to build nests on)". (p.370)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A2.3808 Show image of A2.151a