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manuscript block containing search term toügu
manuscript . block number : A2.3487 -- folio . line : 140a.4 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit dharmàþ puõyayamanyàyasvabhàvàcàrasomapàþ
phrase Newari English hom no
1puõya virtue
2indrãnigraha control of sense of organs
3nyàya justice
4dharma religion
5svabhàva nature
6àcàra kriyà moral act
7{5} somapàna toügu one who drinks Soma
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Sanskritdharmàþ puõyayamanyàyasvabhàvàcàrasomapàþ /
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1dharma dharma yudhiùñhira Yudhiùñhira
2dharma yama yamaràja Yama
3dharma somapà, somapa somayaj¤a garne one who drinks the juice of acid asclepias at a sacrifice
4dharma nyàya nyàya, insàpha justice
5dharma svabhàva svabhàva, agniko dàhakatva jasto sthira prakçti nature, character
6dharma àcàra sadàcàra a moral and riligious merit
7dharma puõya puõya virtue
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "3. Fitness, propriety, 5. usage, practice, 7. any sacrifice, 8. resemblance, 9. innoxiousness, a bow, 11. a theological treatise from the veda." 1- "12. virtue personified; the father of yudhiùñhira (in some of its acceptations the word admits the neuter gender)". (p.340)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A2.3487 Show image of A2.140a