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manuscript . block number : A5.3967 -- folio . line : 122a.7 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit gha¤e ¤aþ sà kriyà'syàü caiddàõóapàtà {8} hi phàlguõã
phrase Newari English
1krãóàyàü bhàva gha¤o ¤aþ "Sanskrit portion"
2thva såtraõa bhàva gha¤anta yàkenanaü krãóà arthasa ¤a pratyaya bisyaü {9} dvàkovuü strãliüga all that kept given ¤a termination with these formula are feminine gender when they used in the sense of playing with gha¤ ending
3phàguyàtasa sauna låsyaü me krãóà telaüpàta tailaüpà is a game played pouring oil in the festival of phàlguna
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Sanskritgha¤o ¤aþ sà kriyà'syàü ceddàõóapàtà hi phàlgunã /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1dàõóapàtà daõóako pàta (patana) garàera garine khela hune (saüpradàyànusàra óaõóãbiyo kheline) phàlgunã pårõimà or in ¤a following gha¤
comment / problem
1SH : no message
"gha¤aþ sà'syàü kriyeti ¤aþ" bhanne såtrale gha¤ pratyayànta kunai ÷abdadekhi "tyo kriyà cha jasamà" yasato vivakùà gardà ¤a pratyaya bhaera siddha hune dàõóapàta, ÷yainampàta, tailampàta prabhçti ÷abda strãliïgamà rahanchan. "daõóako cha pàta (patana) jasamà" yasato vivakùà garera ¤a pratyayale siddha bhaeko dàõóapàta ÷abda strãliïgã bhaera dàõóapàtà bhayo.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "And implying, that such act takes place at such time or in such circumtance. Ex. ÷yenapàtàmçgayà." (p.386)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font Edit A5.3967 Show image of A5.122a