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manuscript block containing search term thvatevu
manuscript . block number : A7.1204 -- folio . line : 60b.2 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit (kadalã . . . ÷a÷aþ)
phrase Newari English
1kadalã kandalã cãna÷camurupriyakàvadi, phusalu mçga; kadalã, kandalã, cãna, camåru and priyaka, the spotted deer
2samålu÷ca, tetu; samåru, a kind of deer
3kadalã, ÷veta mçga; kadalã, white deer
4{3} kaõóalã, óhoõóa mçga; kandalã, jackal(-like) deer
5cãna, cåsà; cãna, a kind of deer
6camuru, camurusà; camåru, a kind of deer
7priyakau api, svara bhiügva mha hyàïu du toyu cumurusà; priyaka, a kind of deer having a good voice, red body and white back (of the body)
8càmuru÷ca, {4} mhaü eyo khvàla hàkva calà thatheïu dhàva; camåru÷ca, yellow body, black faced deer - this is also called
9kadalã àdi iti hariõa, thvatevuü hariõa saj¤à; kadalã àdi iti hariõa, these are also names of deer
10amã ajinayonayaþ, {5} thvatevuü ajinayoni dhàya; amã ajinayonayaþ, these are also called ajinayonã ("deer")
11budhe gotra . . . ; "Sanskrit words"
12kçùõasàrarurunyaïka, naüguõisà; kçùõasàra, ruru and nyaïku, a kind of deer
13rukusaüvararohiùàþ, {6} hupu saü thvala, saüvara mçga dhàya raïku, ÷aübara and rauhisa, having hair in the tail is called ÷ambara deer
14raüku tenu saüvara raïku, a kind of deer having hair in the tail
15thvateïa tevu dhàva; these also could be (the deer)
16rauhiùà, rakta chàga sadåsa; rauhiùa, like a red goat
17(go?) {7} gokarõõa, yà÷a; gokarõa, a kind of deer
18pçùatai, eóaka, pvaóasa, pçùata and eóaka, a kind of deer
19eõa saóaü theüïago calà; eõa, horse-like deer
20naùyaro, cusiyà nàma; çùya, a kind of deer
21rohità, ghoóamçga; rohita, a musk-deer
22{61a.1} camaro, càmurasà; camara, the yak
23mçgàþ, thvatevuü mçgajàti julo, mçgà these are kinds of deer
24ghoóamçga, kastårãsà ïu dhàva; a musk-deer and the yak is also called
25gandharvvaþ ÷arabho ràma soóapayà {2} nàma; gandharva, ÷arabha and ràma, words for a kind of deer
26sçmaro, ÷àóåla; sçmara, a kind of deer
27gavayaþ, borãgo càmhara dava oyà nàma; gavaya, word for that which has bushy hair (càmara) in the tail (?)
28thvaoyà màma camåra bàpa saüóaü; mother of this is camåra (a kind of deer) and father a horse
29{3} ÷a÷aþ, ÷a÷ayà nàma ÷a÷a, a kind of deer
comment / problem
1CO : no message
SP is supplied from SH
(from compilation)
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Sanskritkadalã kandalã cãna÷camårupriyakàvapi / samåru÷ceti hariõà amã ajinayonayaþ //9// kçùõasàrarurunyaïkuraüku÷ambararauhiùàþ / gokarõapçùataiõar÷yarohità÷camaro mçgàþ //10// gandharvaþ ÷arabho ràmaþ sçmaro gavayaþ ÷a÷aþ /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1kadalã mçga vi÷eùa sorts of deer
2kandalã (kadalin kandalin)
7kçùõasàra (kçùõa÷àra)
12rauhiùa (rohiùa)
14pçùata (pçùat)
16ç÷ya (çùya)
17rohita (lohita)
comment / problem
1SH : no message
sabai mçga vi÷eùa ra sàmànya mçga pani "ajinayoni" kahinchan.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "various sorts of deer - "Severally named in the text, as the black antelope, the stag, etc. But these terms are not all rigidly applied to different species; and some are not of the deer kind". various animals - "Severally named in the text". (p.129)
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
sorts of deer, of which the hides are used; various sorts of deer; various animals.
(from compilation)
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