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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> lha-ya- as a complete word >> manuscript block with lha-ya-
manuscript block containing search term lha-ya-
manuscript . block number : A1.3341 -- folio . line : 74b.1 -- tradition : A1 -- 501 NS -- 1381 AD
Sanskrit hum*
phrase Newari English hom no
1bha-rapayu feeling
2{2} misana lha-ya- kham*sa thvaccu, understanding matter spoken by people
3misana makhavu dha-lem* pu-rvvapaks*a biyu giving argument when a man speaks false
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Sanskrithum* vitarke paripras'ne
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1hum vitarka tarka indicative of doubt and reflection
2hum paripras'na pras'na interrogative particle
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 271 expl. and fn.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note; "3. yes, 4. indicating fear, 5. wrath, 6. a version, dislike, 7. reproach". (p.375)
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> lha-ya- as a complete word >> manuscript block with lha-ya-
Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A1.3341 Show image of A1.74b