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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> lvamo as a complete word >> manuscript block with lvamo
manuscript block containing search term lvamo
manuscript . block number : A4.295 -- folio . line : 12b.3 -- tradition : no trad. -- 591 NS -- 1471 AD
Sanskrit (tadbheda . . . cetya-dya-h*)
phrase Newari English
1stapana; bhin~jakam* lvamo; tapana is very hot
2avi-ci, me... kasa tr*ses*a yakva; avi-ci is (not clear)
3{4} maha-raurava, tava s'abda chepo tu n^em*ja dava naraka; maha-raurava is a hell where big voice is heard at one time
4raurava, pom* s'abda tu n^em*ja dava naraka; raurava is a hell where empty voice is heard
5sam*gha-ta, sakalata- na- {5} . . . sena; sam*gha-ta is (not clear); ka-lasu-tra is cut as cut the wood (erected with twined rope?).
6ka-lasu-tra, ham*khi- tham*n^a sim* pha-ya- thyam* pha-lam* thute naraka vis'es*a There are names of hell.
7a-di s'abdana prakam*pana, prata-pana sam*ji-vana prabhr*ti Electera denotes prakampana, prata-pana, sam*ji-vana etc.
comment / problem
1BD : beginning of block damaged
no comment
(from compilation)
2CO : no message
block elaborated
(from compilation)
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Sanskrittadbheda-stapana-vi-cimaha-rauravaraurava-h* //1// sam*gha-tah* ka-lasu-tram* cetya-dya-h*
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1tapana 6 pu-rvokta naraka vis'es*aka- pr*thak pr*thak na-ma various hells
comment / problem
1SH : no message
tapana-vi-cimaha-rauravaraurava-h* sam*gha-tah* ka-lasu-tram* itya-dya-h* tadbheda-h* (tapana, avi-ci, maha-raurava, raurava, sam*gha-ta, ka-lasu-tra itya-di narakaka- bheda chan
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see pg 64 (va-)
(from compilation)
3CO : no message
also sam*ha-ra is in SA
(from compilation)
4CO : no message
HC; note: "Severally named in the text; besides others as Ta-misra, Andhata-misra Sa-lmali-, Asipatravana etc." (p.59)
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> lvamo as a complete word >> manuscript block with lvamo
Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A4.295 Show image of A4.12b