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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> sama-ha-ra as a complete word >> manuscript block with sama-ha-ra
manuscript block containing search term sama-ha-ra
manuscript . block number : A5.3980 -- folio . line : 123a.5 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit as'vavad*avo na sama-hite
phrase Newari English
1sama-ha-ra ca-rtha sama-sa {6} juka-le pum*lim*ga majuva From A2_3984: it will not be masculine gender when the compound used in the sense of Sama-ha-ra compound
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1MS : manuscript shorter than Sharma
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Sanskritdvandve's'vavad*ava-vas'vavad*ava- na sama-hr*te /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x sama-ha-ra ba-hekako dvandva sama-sa garema- 1 ghod*a- ra 1 ghod*i- yasto vivaks*a- garda- as'vas'ca vad*ava- ca - as'vavad*avau, yasto pum*lin^gi- dvivacana-nta s'abda huncha. 2 ghod*a- 2 ghod*i- yasto vivaks*a- garda- as'vau ca vad*ave ca - as'vavad*ava-h* yasto pum*lin^gi- bahuvacana-nta s'abda huncha. bahutva (3/4 prabhr*ti ghod*a-, 3/4 prabhr*ti ghod*i-)ko vivaks*a- garda- pani as'va-s'ca vad*ava-s'ca - as'vavad*ava-h* yasto pum*lin^gi- bahuvacana-nta s'abda huncha. the compound term as'vavad*ava
comment / problem
1SH : no message
yaha-m^ dvandva sama-sa garepachi "paravallin^gam* dvandvatatpurus*ayoh*" bhanne su-trale pallopada (vad*ava-)ko lin^ga bhaera "as'vavad*ave" yasto stri-lin^gi- dvivacana-nta ru-pa pa-ema- tyo su-trala-i- ba-m^dhera "pu-rvavadas'vavad*avau" bhanne su-trale pu-rvapada (as'va)ko lin^ga (pum*lin^ga) bhaeko ho.
(from compilation)
2SH : no message
see pg. 300 expl
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "DU. as'vavad*avau, a horse and mare. pl. as'vavad*ava-h*, horses and mares: but as'vavad*avam*, a stud of horses and mares." (p.390)
(from compilation)
4SE : repetition of part of another (usually, the previous) block
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> sama-ha-ra as a complete word >> manuscript block with sama-ha-ra
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