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manuscript block containing search term sama-ha-ra
manuscript . block number : A7.3794 -- folio . line : 180b.8 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit {8} pa-tra-dyadantaireka-rtho dvigullaks*a-nusa-rata
phrase Newari English
1pa-tra-di aka-ra-nta sam*khya- purvvasa thvalva sama-ha-(ra) {181a.1} sama ya-n^a- napum*sakalim*ga neuter gender is made the Sama-ha-ra (aggregate) compound when a ending Pa-tra etc. possesses numeral before it
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Sanskritpa-tra-dyadantaireka-rtho dvigurlaks*ya-nusa-ratah* //25//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x pa-tra-dyadantaih* eka-rthah* dviguh* laks*ya-nusa-ratah* dvihi-ne (pa-tra, bhuvana a-di gareka- aka-ra-nta s'abdaka- sa-thama- bhaeko sama-ha-rako vivaks*a- garda- bhaeko dvigu (sam*khya-pu-rvaka) sama-sa (ekavacana-nta cha bhane) laks*ya-nusa-ra (s'is*t*aharu-le prayoga gareko dekhiesamma) napum*sakalin^gama- rahancha (s'is*t*aharu-ko prayoga nadekhikana ha-mi-haru-le tyasto prayoga garnu hum^daina) compounds in pa-tra, etc.
comment / problem
1SH : no message
pan~capa-tram, tribhuvanam, caturyugam itya-di s'is*t*ako prayoga dekhincha. anyatra "aka-ra-ntottarapado dviguh* striya-mis*t*ah*" yasa vacanaka- anusa-ra triloki-, saptas'ati-, pan~cas'ati- itya-di stri-lin^ga huncha. trilokam, saptas'atam, pan~cas'atam* bhannu hum^daina itya-di
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Compound terms in a formed of pa-tra and certain other nouns with numerals; and signifying one whole. Ex. caturyugam*, entire period of the four ages." (p.394)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font No image for A7.180b