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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> stri-lim*ga as a complete word >> manuscript block with stri-lim*ga
manuscript block containing search term stri-lim*ga
manuscript . block number : A5.2375 -- folio . line : 80a.6 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit sam*khya-tve dvibahutve stasta-su ca-navete striya-m*
phrase Newari English
1lya-kha jukota dvivacana bahuvacana dau it is dual and plural when it becomes only numeral
2thesavum* {7} vim*s'atinali- navatitovum* stri-lim*ga in this from twenty to ninety is feminine gender
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Sanskritsam*khya-rthe dvibahutve stasta-su ca-navateh* striyah* /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vim*s'atya-daya (vim*s'ati, trim*s'at, catva-rim*s'at, pan~ca-s'at, s*as*t*i, saptati, as'i-ti, navati) bi-sadekhi nabbesamma numerals
comment / problem
1SH : no message
inai vim*s'ati a-di gareka- s'abda kevala san^khya-va-caka hum^da- dvivacana, bahuvacana-nta pani hunchan. jastai - dve vim*s'ati- (dui- 2 bi-sa, artha-t ca-li-sa) tisrah* vim*s'atayah* (ti-na 3 bi-sa artha-t sa-t*hi-) yaha-m^ vim*s'ati s'abda kevala san^khya-va-caka huna-le dvivacana bahuvacana, pani bhayo. yastai aru pani ja-nnu. vim*s'ati a-di gareka- navanavati (99) sammaka- s'abda stri-lin^gi- chan.
(from compilation)
2CO : no message
Skt. pra-tipadika and nepa-li- gloss is supplied by GS
(from compilation)
3HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: striyah* - "The numerals, 20 to 90, are invariably feminine". (p.241)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A5.2375 Show image of A5.80a