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manuscript block containing search term stri-lim*ga
manuscript . block number : A7.3653 -- folio . line : 176a.7 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit un*a-dis*u niruri-ri-s'ca {176b.1} n^ya-bu-dantam* cala sthiram*
phrase Newari English
1thvatevum* stri-lim*ga juva davakha From A2_3969: these could be feminine fender
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Sanskritun*a-dis*u niru-ri-s'ca n^ya-bu-n^antam* calam* sthiram /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x un*a-dis*u niru-ri-h* ca striya-m (aun*a-dika ni pratyaya, u- pratyaya, i- pratyaya antyama- hune s'abda stri-lin^gama- rahancha) jastai - kramaile (1) s'ren*ih* [pan^kti, lahara] s'ron*i [kat*i-] itya-di. (2) camu-h* [sena-] kars*u-h* [ji-vika-, gun~it*ha-ko a-go, kulo] itya-di. (3) tari-h* [d*un^ga-] tantri-h* [ta-ra] itya-di. n^ya-bu-n^antam* calam* sthiram* striya-m (n^yanta, a-banta, u-n^anta s'abda cala va-caka acala va-caka jasto bhae pani stri-lin^gama- rahancha) or in certain un*a-di affixes, or in a feminine termination
comment / problem
1SH : no message
see pg. 294 expl.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: or in certain un*a-di affixes - "Viz. ni; as s'ron*ih*, a string or row. Some read anih*; as avanih*, the earth; u- as camu-, an army. i- as laks*mi-, prosperity." or in a feminine termination - "Terminated by an affix denoting the feminine gender (n^i-, a-p, or a-n^) whether the noun signify any thing locomotive or fixed, or whether it vary the gender, or be restricted to the feminine." (p.385)
(from compilation)
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