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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> s'abda as a complete word >> manuscript block with s'abda
manuscript block containing search term s'abda
manuscript . block number : A2.3993 -- folio . line : 159a.4 -- tradition : A2 -- 506 NS -- 1386 AD
Sanskrit s*as*t*hya-cha-ya- bahu-na-m* cedvicha-yam* sahato sabha- s'a-la-rtha-pi
phrase Newari English
1s*as*t*hi- sama-sa cha-ya- s'abdavum* napum*sa(ka)lim*ga the word cha-ya compounded with 6th case is neuter gender
2{5} s'a-la- artha juva sabha- s'abdavum* napum*sakalim*ga; the word sabha- having meaning of s'a-la- (house) is also neuter gender
3kud*yacha-yam* is*ucha-yam* s'a-la-rtha-pi, s*as*t*hi- sama-sa "Sanskrit words"
4s'a-la s'abda s'a-la- artha juva napum*sakalin^ga {159b.1} gos'a-lam* the word sa-la having meaning of a house is neuter gender, as gos'a-lam "a cow-stall"
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1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
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Sanskrits'as*t*hya-s'ccha-ya- bahu-na-m* cedviccha-yam
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x s*as*t*hya-h* cha-ya- bahu-na-m* cet dvihi-ne (pu-rvapada bahuvacana-nta ra-khera s*as*t*hi-tatpurus*a sama-sa bhaeko cha-ya- antama- hune s'abda napum*sakalin^gama- rahancha) cha-ya-, with a word in the 6th case
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1SH : no message
jastai - vi-na-m (paks*in*a-m) cha-ya- - viccha-yam, gr*ha-n*a-m* cha-ya- - gr*haccha-yam, iks*u-n*a-m* cha-ya- - iks*uccha-yam itya-di kli-balin^ga huncha. pu-rvapada bahuvacana-nta ra-khiena bhane cha-ya- s'abda vikalpale kli-balin^ga huncha. jastai - veh* (paks*inah*) cha-ya- - viccha-yam - viccha-ya-. gr*hasya cha-ya- - gr*haccha-yam - gr*haccha-ya- ityadi.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Provided such word be plural. Ex. viccha-yam*, shadow of a flock of birds." (p.394)
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